female pattern hair loss the belgravia centre 52912 310120

Hair Growth Success

“Hair Growth Success Story: "I am very pleased with the results after 10 months"”*

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I have been visiting the Belgravia Centre for the past few years, and was diagnosed with diffused thinning and female pattern hair loss. After giving birth a year ago, my hair shed extensively and quickly, and my scalp quickly became visible. After resuming my course of minoxidil, I am very pleased with the results after 10 months, as not only has my hair grown back quickly, it has grown back thicker and healthier than before my pregnancy. Thanks to Fiona and the staff at the Belgravia Centre for your excellent customer service, especially as I now live abroad and can still continue my treatment and consultations when I am in the UK.
TP review female pattern hair loss the belgravia centre 52912 310120

Review from Trustpilot

*Results may vary and are not guaranteed.