female pattern hair loss the belgravia centre 050122

Hair Growth Success

“Hair Growth Success Story: "I couldn't recommend this clinic enough"”*

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I couldn't recommend this clinic enough. I started my treatment 3 months ago. I had gaps on my scalp which has now filled with hair and my hair parting and hairline is much more fuller. I also had lots of hair (literally chunks) falling out on a daily basis, and now, I barely have any falling out. I am very pleased with these results, it has really helped me regain my confidence and since these drastic improvements has happened within the first quarter of the treatment time, I cannot wait to see further improvements to my hair!
google review female pattern hair loss the belgravia centre 050122

Review from Google+

*Results may vary and are not guaranteed.

Posted by  Lizzie

Diagnosis:  Female Pattern Hair Loss | Age: 40s | Sex: Female

Review from Google+

*Results may vary and are not guaranteed.