Getting the right balance of
vitamins and minerals is crucial for your overall health, including that of your hair.
Following research into the
effects of Vitamin D on Alopecia Areata, a
new study published in the International Journal of Dermatology has investigated the links between the condition and zinc.
Researchers at the Ain Shams University in Cairo discovered that people with
Alopecia Areata could find their autoimmune condition worsens if they have low levels of serum zinc.
Zinc's role in hair growth

Zinc is a trace element which plays a pivotal role in the
hair growth cycle.
Hair follicles need zinc to produce new hair shafts during the anagen (growth) phase of the cycle. If a person's zinc intake is not sufficient it can cause poor immune function, and hormone imbalances, as well as
hair loss.
Usually this type of
deficiency triggers a temporary condition known as
Telogen Effluvium. This displays as diffuse shedding all over the scalp and can last up to 12 months, or longer if it becomes
chronic - generally where the underlying cause (such as a dietary deficiency) is not addressed.
However, the newly released findings of this Egyptian study show that zinc levels may also influence the patchy hair loss caused by Alopecia Areata.
Significantly lower levels noted

The purpose of the Cairo research was to evaluate the effects of serum zinc levels (zinc levels in the blood) in people with 'newly diagnosed and resistant lesions' of Alopecia Areata.
Fifty participants were studied in comparison to healthy control subjects who were matched by age and sex. Twenty-five of the test subjects were newly diagnosed with alopecia areata, whilst the other half had resistant lesions.
Serum zinc levels were assessed in all 100 volunteers in order to compare the test subjects' mean results with those of the control groups. Results were compared between patients and controls, patient subgroups, and between patient's subgroup and controls.
Study notes state that correlations between 'serum zinc level and extent of AA and its duration were also done in all patients and each patient's subgroup'.
Researchers lead by Nermeen S.A. Abdel Fattah, M.D. discovered the volunteers with alopecia areata had 'significantly lower serum zinc levels' than the control group. Furthermore, those test subjects with resistant alopecia areata also showed significantly lower zinc levels than those who were newly diagnosed.
Confirmed correlation
According to the study, these findings confirmed a 'significant inverse correlation between serum zinc level, severity of disease, and disease duration in all patients, as well as in patients with resistant alopecia areata'.
"Assessment of serum zinc level in patients with alopecia areata appears useful as a marker of severity, disease duration, and resistance to therapies," the authors write. "Further studies are therefore recommended to evaluate the role of zinc supplements in patients with alopecia areata, especially those with severe, longstanding, or resistant lesions."
Zinc supplements
Concluding their report, the study's authors hypothesised that 'given that lower serum zinc levels are associated with worse outcomes in patients with alopecia areata... zinc supplements may provide a therapeutic benefit'.
These findings are definitely interesting. However, there was no investigation into the severity and duration of Alopecia Areata in affected people who take zinc tablets - this would definitely make for interesting reading as a follow-up study" says senior Belgravia hair loss specialist,
Leonora Doclis.
She also advises, "
As long as they keep within the recommended daily allowance guidelines it could be worth people with Alopecia trying zinc tablets or nutritional supplements that contain zinc, such as Hair Vitalics, however, they should discuss this with their doctor or hair loss specialist first. It is important to regulate zinc intake and keep it within a healthy range as - just like a lack of zinc can cause hair loss, so too can an excess."
Although there is
treatment for alopecia areata available, which has seen successful
regrowth results in many Belgravia clients, this tends to work best on cases which are mild-to-moderate.