A Women's Guide to Androgenic Alopecia

Also known as female pattern hair loss, Androgenic Alopecia is the most common form of hair loss in women. It is the same condition that causes most cases of male hair loss, although it manifests differently.

Androgentic Alopecia is an hereditary condition and in most women it usually begins before the age of 40, often affecting much younger women and can technically begin any time following puberty.

Sometimes it can be hard to spot female pattern hair loss, as there are a myriad of other potential causes of hair loss in women, such as pregnancy, menopause, stress or thyroid disorders.

What is Androgenic Alopecia?

Your body produces hormones, also known as androgens. In cases of Androgenic Alopecia, your hair follicles along the top of your scalp, from hairline and temples to crown, become particularly sensitive to these androgens, which pass messages to your androgen receptors, telling them to produce less hair.

This can lead to the shortening of hair growth cycles, leaving you with finer, thinner hair. If left untreated, hair production could eventually stop altogether.

Recognising the signs

Women with this type of genetic hair loss often have thinning hair all over the top of their scalp, although it may be most noticeable at the parting or behind the fringe area. Men, by contrast, tend to develop a bald patch and/or receding hairline.

The Ludwig Scale is used to measure the level of hair loss, ranging from minor thinning (Type I) to noticeable hair loss all over the scalp (Type III). Left untreated, it can be harder to boost hair growth and minimise hair loss, which is why it is important to see a hair loss specialist if you notice any signs of thinning hair.

What causes Androgenic Alopecia?

Androgenic Alopecia is caused by a genetic predisposition to the condition that is passed down from other members of your family. However, as there are so many different causes of thinning hair in women, it could be that your hair loss is being caused by something else entirely.

You may be recommended for blood tests to rule out other causes of hair loss such as an under-active or overactive thyroid, pregnancy, menopause or stress.

It is important to see a hair loss specialist for a consultation if you are experiencing any form of unusual hair loss or thinning hair.

If a diagnosis of Androgenic Alopecia is given, there are clinically proven treatments that can be effective when used as part of a personalised hair loss treatment plan.

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The Belgravia Centre

The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.

View our Hair Loss Success Stories, which includes the world's largest gallery of hair growth photos and demonstrates the level of success that so many of Belgravia's patients achieve.

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