Who Cares if a Man is Losing Hair?

Posted by Kate

In this article: Hair Loss | Male Hair Loss

A few studies have indicated that men and women have conflicting views on male hair and the lack thereof.

For many men hair loss signals a loss of youth and sex appeal but it seems women aren’t as concerned with their man losing his hair as he may be.

Women less concerned about a man's hair loss

Summer hair loss thinning hair men womenApparently balding is easier to watch than experience and according to a 2009 Psychology Today poll, women were relatively unconcerned about male hair loss. “Of those whose partner had a full head of hair, only 13 per cent would be "very upset" and 24 per cent "somewhat upset" at the prospect of his hair thinning. A mere 18 per cent of women whose partners had already lost some hair acknowledged being very or somewhat upset," the article said.

Hair on the face however is another matter though. Researchers at Northumbria University found that women associate facial hair with masculinity, dominance and aggression and that faces with more hair looked older and more socially mature. In the study of 60 women, women gauged the clean-shaven and fully bearded faces as least attractive but their favourite male faces were the ones with light stubble.

Whilst they may be happy to scrape the hair from their faces, men, as a rule, don't like to be follicularly challenged as Psychology Today found. The study confirmed that men are terrified of losing their hair and those with a full head of hair are the most concerned.

"Thirty-eight per cent indicated they would be "very upset" if they discovered they were rapidly losing hair. But anticipation may be worse than reality, since only 23 per cent of men with thinning hair answered 'very upset' on the same item," the article said. But men seem to be worrying for nothing.

“Fifty-two percent of men thought women would endorse the statement, ‘I generally find bald men unattractive.’ Only 40 percent of women agreed, and they tended to be younger and more attractive.”

Although, a study at St Andrews University found that as women are getting more financially independent, they're choosing men more on the basis of their looks rather than on the size of their wallet. But this doesn’t mean they’re choosing men with hair over bald men some women said they found bald men cute. It’s really all about confidence. But if balding is affecting your confidence, what can you do about it?


Hair loss solutions

Amazingly, Psychology Today found that most men agreed that the best way to cope with encroaching baldness was to "do nothing." Hair transplants came in a distant second, with head shaving the third-favourite choice. Buying a hairpiece was dead last. Only eight male participants admitted to wearing a toupee.

Male pattern baldness affects about two-thirds of men by the age of 50 but there are two clinically-proven, MHRA licensed and FDA approved products which can be used individually or together to form the basis of a hair loss treatment course. Whilst these pharmaceutical components can inhibit the biological cause of hair thinning and receding, and promote hair growth, supplementary hair growth supporting products can help to further stimulate the follicles and encourage the maintenance of normal healthy hair growth.

Some men enjoy their distinguished look and the sense of power and masculinity baldness can portray but if you’re a little less than thrilled about the prospect of a receding hairline or shaving it all off, contact a specialist for a hair loss consultation. They can provide a diagnosis and treatment recommendations based on their findings and tailored to each individual's medical profile.






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The Belgravia Centre

The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.

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Posted by Kate

In this article: Hair Loss | Male Hair Loss