What Can I Do About a Receding Hairline?

Posted by Kate

In this article: Hair Loss | Male Hair Loss

Is your hairline receding each time you look in the mirror?

You look in the mirror each morning and can see your hairline receding right in front of your very eyes. Whether you think it’s an unfortunate yet inevitable manly progression, or an outrageous and unfair physical demise, baldness is generally not too favoured upon by those who have to endure it.

The way I see it you have three options:

1) You could make haste to the sports store and stock up on baseball caps which, no doubt, you’ll become totally dependent upon.

2) You could grab the razor and shave it all off now and be done with it.

3) A receding hairline is just the beginning. If hair loss is not something you really want, you could put up a fight and become part of a growing number of hair loss success stories.

Let’s look at these options in more detail shall we…

So you’re starting to recede. No big deal. The hair loss isn’t so noticeable yet. Hold up is a widow’s peak even the same as hair loss? Well, if we’re honest you haven’t exactly got the same rounded, youthful hairline you once had, so it’s not great news.

Say you decided to don the baseball caps. Apart from arousing suspicion at your latest obsession, you’re totally avoiding the problem yet clearly still feeling its sting.  Say one day you take the cap off to find a bald spot at the back of your head you do realise this is the basic pattern of male hair loss and the most easily treated condition?

Behind every good bandanna lies a 'skullet' - close pal of the mulletNearly 80% of men will, at some stage of their lives, experience part or complete hair loss and all cases start out by receding or a gradually appearing bald spot on the crown of their head. Eventually these two spots meet up to form the classic horse-shoe look and you can pretty much bet on the fact you’ll eventually lose everything in between. No matter though if you still have your baseball caps. You could even switch to bandannas and grow the remaining hair at the back - Hulk Hogan got the 'skullet' and bandanna look down pat so surely it can’t be too hard.

Next we have the big shave option. They say you should confront your fears head on and what better way to deal with a receding hairline than by removing the offending hair. I’m sure once it’s all gone you’ll feel a lot better. Even if it’s not what you wanted in the first place, you took charge of the situation and aren’t hiding from it. Good work, very Michael Chiklis of you.

Now, if you’re serious about dealing with your receding hairline and giving hair loss the boot, you better be prepared to work for it. I’m just kidding, it couldn’t be more simple. Treatments for hair loss that are approved by medical regulatory bodies have been scientifically formulated and proven to stop hair loss in men at the very core. I won’t go into detail about DHT’s role in hair loss, suffice to say it's the biggest player in the game.

I know you’re wondering then, if there are solutions to hair loss, why are so many men still experiencing baldness. I’ll give you three reasons:

1) Not everyone wearing a cap is bald underneath.

2) Some men don't mind the bald look. After all, bald is beautiful right?

3) Unfortunately there’s not a lot of confidence in the hair loss industry, and for good reason.Click for More Success StoriesHundreds of advertised hair loss products are ineffective solutions and companies can get away it due to the relaxed laws of marketing. Some of their ingredients may be beneficial for hair in regard to healthy hair growth, but to be honest with you, only the ones that are approved by the FDA or MHRA have been clinically and scientifically proven to treat hair loss. They're the only one's that are worth your time and money.

Now that you have this inside knowledge, all you have to do now is ask yourself:

1) What’s my favourite baseball team?

2) Should I go for the skin head look or start at a number 2? Or,

3) How can I make the proven hair loss treatments more effective?

For more information, contact the Belgravia Centre on 020 7730 6666, send an email or fill in the online diagnostic form from anywhere in the world.

Interesting Articles:
Why Men Worry About Baldness but do Nothing
The Balding Process How Far Will it go?
Why You Should be Sceptical About Hair Loss Products

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The Belgravia Centre

The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.

View our Hair Loss Success Stories, which includes the world's largest gallery of hair growth photos and demonstrates the level of success that so many of Belgravia's patients achieve.

Posted by Kate

In this article: Hair Loss | Male Hair Loss