TV Advert Girl Donates Hair to Little Princess Trust

Posted by Belgravia Centre Writer

In this article: Hair Loss

A ten-year-old girl who starred in a national TV advert for Bold washing powder has donated her hair to charity. Olivia Brown had her long blonde hair cut off at Expressions Hair Design in Northfield, Birmingham.

Bold TV Advert Girl Olivia Brown Has Hair Cut Off For CharityA brave decision

Like many little girls, Olivia loved her long hair that reached halfway down her back. After chatting with her Mum, however, Olivia decided she wanted to help children experiencing hair loss caused by Alopecia or cancer treatment.

Her mum showed her a Facebook photo of a girl wearing a wig, and explained that hair could be donated and turned into wigs to help sick children feel better. Olivia's response? “I wanted someone to have my hair because mine will grow again. I told mum I wanted my hair to be sent away to be made into a wig.”

Olivia, an only child, received £100 in support from her classmates' fundraising efforts and decided to donate her hair to the Little Princess Trust. Her hair will be sent to their Hove head office before it is shipped to China to be made into wigs for children affected by hair loss.

Proud mum

Bold Washing Powder TV Advert Girl Olivia Brown Has Hair Cut Off For Charity

Olivia's mum, 42-year-old Amanda Cook, expressed how proud she was of her daughter, “We are very proud of Olivia doing something so selfless to help other children, even if I did shed a tear as it happened. I was emotional seeing her hair chopped off because Olivia had no hair until the age of two. It means a lot to her to carry out this pledge because her hair was so precious to her. She is a little anxious and has said that some friends at school might think she looks weird but she's also being very, very positive about it.

Hair loss in children

Young Actress Olivia Brown Has Hair Cut Off To Donate To Little Princess Trust CharityThe Little Princess Trust

accepts hair donations from members of the public and Olivia is in good company celebrities including Jessie J and actress Sai Bennett have both previously donated their hair to the charity. Hair is woven into wigs which are used to help children experiencing hair loss to feel happier and more confident.

Hair loss in children could be caused by a variety of factors, from illness (or the side-effects of treatment such as chemotherapy) to Alopecia Areata, an auto-immune disorder often triggered by extreme stress, which causes patchy hair loss.

If your child is experiencing hair loss, it is recommended that you see your GP as soon as possible, so that they can get to the root of the problem, diagnose the condition, and present any options for treatment.

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The Belgravia Centre

The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.

View our Hair Loss Success Stories, which includes the world's largest gallery of hair growth photos and demonstrates the level of success that so many of Belgravia's patients achieve.

Posted by Belgravia Centre Writer

In this article: Hair Loss

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