Prevention is better than a cure they say but some conditions are not yet preventable. In such cases the best thing that can be done is to treat the condition early, that is, as soon as it shows the warning signals, and keep it under control. No one goes bald overnight, hair loss is a gradual condition and it shows the symptoms long before baldness exposes itself. Thinning hair may not seem to present a great concern but it could be a red flag that warns worse is yet to come.
Thinning hair is a precursor to various hair loss conditions, namely male and female pattern hair loss, and without treatment, thinning hair can eventually lead to baldness. Thinning hair is caused by the effects of DHT on the hair follicles but can sometimes be caused by other conditions. Effectively, the hair follicle gradually shrinks so as hair sheds (and 50 to 100 hairs a day is normal), the hair that grows to replace the lost hair is thinner than the hair before it.
Thinning hair can have a different outcome for men and women. Female hair thinning conditions are usually limited to diffuse hair loss where the increased rate of hair fall results in general thinning from all over the scalp. Men’s thinning hair will generally result in baldness without treatment, although this is not always the case and depends on the severity of the condition. Although most women with genetic thinning, diffuse hair loss or telogen effluvium will experience hair loss as well as thinning hair, women will not usually reach the point of complete baldness.
Thinning hair indicates that action to combat further hairloss is required now. A trichologist or hair loss specialist nurse will be able to give an informative diagnosis and let you know if there may be any underlying reasons for the hair loss. Sometimes, especially in women, thinning hair could be a symptom of a reversible hair loss condition. In any case, three FDA approved treatments for hair loss may be prescribed to treat the condition.
The treatments work to stop any further hair loss by blocking the formation of DHT to prevent the follicles from shrinking, increasing blood circulation to the scalp to dilate the hair follicle and allow much needed nutrients in to nourish the follicle and stimulate the follicles to accept the help they’re receiving and promote regrowth. In some cases hair supplements may be recommended. They will not prevent hair loss or make lost hair grow back but they will ensure that hair follicle receives adequate nutritional benefits to produce strong, healthy, and overall good quality hair.
Hair loss is not a condition that anyone needs to live with. If thinning hair is treated early, hair loss and baldness may well be preventable.
Find out about regrowing hair and preventing baldness by selecting the relevant links below...
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The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.
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