Hair loss facts, news & opinions

Showing 4464 results

Hair Loss and Dating Relationships

Hair plugs are a turn-off

Second only to excessive tanning, hair plugs are the 'ultimate turnoffs' for North American women according to the Harlequin Romance Report 2009.Toronto based Harlequin is the world's leading…

Second only to excessive tanning, hair plugs are the 'ultimate turnoffs' for North American women according to the Harlequin…

Stress Eyes Stressed Mens Hair Loss

Stress and Hair Loss - Are They Related?

You may have heard that stress can cause hair loss, and it’s true. The condition of our hair can be a strong indication of how well we’re adapting to a certain situation in life. Excessive physical…

You may have heard that stress can cause hair loss, and it’s true. The condition of our hair can be a strong indication of how…

man looking at himself1

When is Hair Loss a Problem?

Hair loss is one of the most natural things in the world. Whilst some will be exempt from baldness, no one can avoid normal hair loss. Shedding hair is a natural process and it is normal to lose up to…

Hair loss is one of the most natural things in the world. Whilst some will be exempt from baldness, no one can avoid normal hair…

Stress Eyes Stressed Mens Hair Loss

A Man's Confidence During Hair Loss

The most valuable asset a balding man has is his confidence. In fact the same is true for a man with a full head of hair, according to Samantha Brett. The Sydney Morning Herald writer and author of…

The most valuable asset a balding man has is his confidence. In fact the same is true for a man with a full head of hair,…

Can Women Have Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair Loss Treatment: Medication or Transplant?

If your hair has started to thin and you're afraid that you could be headed for significant hair loss, there are a number of treatments available to you but the secret is in knowing which ones are…

If your hair has started to thin and you're afraid that you could be headed for significant hair loss, there are a number of…

Summer hair loss thinning hair men women

Who Cares if a Man is Losing Hair?

A few studies have indicated that men and women have conflicting views on male hair and the lack thereof. For many men hair loss signals a loss of youth and sex appeal but it seems women aren’t as…

A few studies have indicated that men and women have conflicting views on male hair and the lack thereof. For many men hair…

Hair Loss Treatment for Men and Hair Growth Boosters Belgravia Centre

What are 'Hair Growth Boosters'?

On Belgravia's website and in our literature we often talk about 'hair growth boosters', but what exactly are hair growth boosters?These are an integral part of Belgravia's effective treatment…

On Belgravia's website and in our literature we often talk about 'hair growth boosters', but what exactly are hair growth…

bald chimp

Mysterious death of bald Missouri chimp

The unexpected death of Cinder the hairless chimpanzee at the St. Louis Zoo, Missouri, USA is being investigated by Zoo officials. Cinder was 14 years old and suffered from alopecia universalis. The…

The unexpected death of Cinder the hairless chimpanzee at the St. Louis Zoo, Missouri, USA is being investigated by Zoo…

Question: How do hair loss treatments and hair restoration surgery compare?

Name: Geoff Question: I see your treatments are chemical based but there are hair implants available so how do the two methods of hair restoration compare? And do you provide implants? Answer: Hair…

Name: Geoff Question: I see your treatments are chemical based but there are hair implants available so how do the two methods…

itchy scalp1

Question: Can eczema lead to baldness?

Name: Angela Question: I am 60 and female. I had a hysterectomy at 46 and am on 1mg estradiol per day (HRT). For the last 2 winters I have had eczema on my head and this year I have just noticed,…

Name: Angela Question: I am 60 and female. I had a hysterectomy at 46 and am on 1mg estradiol per day (HRT). For the last 2…

worried woman

Question: Could my hair loss be due to my ferritin level?

Question: I am 46 female and have always had severe bleeding with my monthly period which has been regular so far. Haemoglobin is 11, serrum ferritin level is 16, b12 and other lab tests including…

Question: I am 46 female and have always had severe bleeding with my monthly period which has been regular so far. Haemoglobin is…

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Counterfeit Hair Loss Drugs Raid

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has warned people to be vigilant when buying medicines online after more than £250,000 of counterfeit, unlicensed and withdrawn medicines…

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has warned people to be vigilant when buying medicines online after…


Is Hair Loss Influenced by Age?

Perhaps the biggest myth relating to hair loss is that age and balding are proportional. The truth is that hair loss is a process that can begin as early as puberty. Like any process, it can be rapid…

Perhaps the biggest myth relating to hair loss is that age and balding are proportional. The truth is that hair loss is a process…

technology small

Histogen - Is This Another Hair Loss Treatment?

Results of a five-month clinical trial of a new hair loss product released by a small biotechnology firm appear promising but researchers say it's early stages and the trial is currently still in…

Results of a five-month clinical trial of a new hair loss product released by a small biotechnology firm appear promising but…

wayne rooney manchester united 2006

Hair Loss Strikes Wayne Rooney

THIS STORY HAS BEEN UPDATED (4th June 2011) Click to read: Rooney Tweets about hair transplant Wayne Rooney’s hair loss proves two things that even the young, rich and famous are not exempt from…

THIS STORY HAS BEEN UPDATED (4th June 2011) Click to read: Rooney Tweets about hair transplant Wayne Rooney’s hair loss…