Sports Commentator Loses Voice After Eighth Hair Transplant

Posted by Mike Peake

In this article: Hair Loss | Male Hair Loss

A well-known American sports commentator named Joe Buck who voices some of the most-watched NFL and baseball coverage on the Fox network has opened up about how hair loss led him to eight separate transplant operations.

The Super Bowl announcer explains in his new autobiography how, in 2011, something went wrong during one of these hair transplant procedures and he was briefly left without his voice. The ordeal was traumatising, however, and he feared that his career in broadcasting was over.

joe-buckSaid it was a virus

The American sports press have been all over the story because Buck had said at the time of the incident that he’d simply lost his voice because of a virus. As with many men who have had hair restoration of any kind, he hadn’t been keen to talk about what had really happened.

He decided to come clean for his autobiography. In a preview of the book for Sports Illustrated, writer Richard Deitsche states: “Something went wrong during the six-hour-plus procedure. When he woke up from the anaesthetic, Buck could not speak. He believes his vocal cord was paralyzed because of a cuff the surgery centre used to protect him during the procedure.”

Several American media outlets have likened his many operations to an “addiction”; indeed, it is fair to say that eight hair transplants is on the extreme side. Hair restoration surgeons typically don’t recommend an individual undergo more than two or three procedures, not least because the patient will eventually run out of donor hair from the parts of his head where it is more abundant.

Buck explains in his book that he would typically undergo treatments when there was a break in his schedule, and admits that he was mostly driven by vanity.

A strong desire not to lose their hair overwhelms many men who are diagnosed with Male Pattern Baldness, the genetic condition that leads to hair loss in the lion’s share of men by the time they reach retirement age.

MPB can be distressing

Many men succumb to MPB in their 20s and 30s, when it can be especially distressing. But not all turn to surgeons for help, not least because the fees involved can be astronomical. Additionally, many men don’t like the fact that the surgery tends to be quite visible for a few weeks and - depending on the level of hair loss - can produce an obvious difference. Furthermore, top doctors advise that surgical restoration is not recommended for men under 30 years of age.

A less intrusive and often less obvious option, due to the gradual regrowth, is a bespoke hair loss treatment course. By using appropriate clinically-proven components licensed by the MHRA and approved by the FDA, men are often able to stop hair falling out and encourage hair growth. Additional hair growth supporting products can also be employed to supplement this approach to getting the hair back on track.

Buck, who is 47, now has a reasonably full head of hair, and it is possible that he has been battling his thinning and receding hairline on two fronts - both surgically and non-surgically. In fact, men who do go the invasive route are usually advised to follow a course of pharmaceutical hair loss treatments, both before their operation - to stabilise shedding and encourage maximum regrowth - as well as on an on-going basis afterwards in order to maintain their new look. This is a crucial part of hair transplant aftercare as it can prevent the natural hair from thinning around the new grafts.
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The Belgravia Centre

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Posted by Mike Peake

In this article: Hair Loss | Male Hair Loss

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