Posted by Jonny Harris
In this article: Hair Loss | Hair Loss Awareness | Male Hair Loss | Women's Hair Loss | Alopecia | Hair Loss ANSWERS | Hair Loss News
Name: Jay
Question: I am a male aged 26 and losing hair at a fast rate. I was so concerned that I visited a clinic that advertises in the paper (not yours) and was shocked when they told me the cost would be £1200 for six months treatment. When I completed one of your online diagnostic forms I found out your costs are lower compared to other companies I have enquired with.
Does this mean the treatment isn’t as good? To be honest I felt I was being ripped off at the first centre I visited as the guy was a bit pushy and that also put me off. Can you help as I am nervous and quite sceptical even though it was a friend who mentioned your name?
Answer: When costs are low, the first thing that most people naturally think is that the product purchased won't be as good as a more expensive option. In the case of Belgravia's hair loss treatment courses this is not the case and I will explain why.
It's an unfortunate fact that many of the hair loss organisations in the UK aim to make as much money as possible with little effort. Most of the centres do not offer the medically proven treatments for hair loss as they don't have the medical facilities to do so (pharmacy / medical staff). These facilities take a lot of time, money and effort to set up and in the case of a pharmacy, need to be overseen by certain regulatory bodies.
The fact is, as well as having all of these facilities, which ensures we are able to provide the optimum level of treatment and service, Belgravia genuinely aims to make the products offered as reasonable as possible to the consumer. We're not looking to make maximum profits from individual patients, but prefer to help a higher number of people at lower costs; this is why Belgravia has the largest client base of any single medical hair loss centre in Europe.
We guarantee that the Belgravia Centre offers the most effective hair loss treatment courses available whilst ensuring safety. These treatment courses include the medically proven treatments for hair loss specially combined to suit the individual, treatment course boosters and other services for which you can find more information on the hair loss treatments page.
In November 2008 the Belgravia Centre recorded its first set of video diaries from a patient using a specialised Belgravia combination treatment course - we believe his results to be the best for hair loss ever recorded on video - you can view his videos here - hair loss video diary. Our site also features hundreds of success stories that are updated and added to on a daily basis. They include comments and before/during treatment photos of Belgravia Centre treatment users. Our Facebook Page is also inundated with frequent wall posts from happy patients.
If you would like to arrange a free consultation at the Belgravia Centre to begin the process of hair loss prevention please contact us by message ot call the centre on 020 7730 6666. Alternatively, you can complete our online diagnostic form for mail-order if you are unable to visit the centre.
The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.
View our Hair Loss Success Stories, which includes the world's largest gallery of hair growth photos and demonstrates the level of success that so many of Belgravia's patients achieve.
Posted by Jonny Harris
In this article: Hair Loss | Hair Loss Awareness | Male Hair Loss | Women's Hair Loss | Alopecia | Hair Loss ANSWERS | Hair Loss News