How can I stop post-pregnancy hair loss?'



Post Pregnancy Hair Loss is Usually Temporary But Seek Advice if the Condition Continues Six Months After Childbirth.Question: Hi, I just had my third baby. I have been losing a hand full of hair everyday. Please can you help me? What can I use to help stop my hair falling out? Thank you.

Answer: Hi, Momta. This sounds to me a case of Postpartum Alopecia, or post-pregnancy hair loss. To give you an accurate diagnosis we need to know how long it has been since you had your third baby and when your hair loss started. Postpartum Alopecia occurs in women two to four months after giving birth and is caused by more hairs than usual remaining in the growth phase during the pregnancy. After childbirth this hair sheds. This can be extremely distressing for a woman, but it is only the excess hair that is falling out and once the shedding has passed the hair will usually return to its original density, as it was before pregnancy, within 6 months.

For many women treatment is not necessary but if the hair has not recovered six months after childbirth, there may be other factors causing the hair loss. Stress, a change in lifestyle and strain on the body are other factors that can worsen the problem of otherwise temporary hair loss following childbirth and lead to a more long-term condition called Diffuse Thinning. Repeated incidences of hair loss after pregnancy can result in less hair growing back each time also increasing susceptibility to Diffuse Thinning.

In order to avoid this type of hair loss it is highly beneficial to use a suitable treatment for each bout of excessive shedding. A tailored treatment programme using a product called Minxodil which has been combined with the correct hair growth boosters will minimise the damage that each episode can cause and ensure hair recovers to its full potential.

To see how effective a prescribed treatment programme can be for post pregnancy hair loss, take a look at this video diary of a woman undergoing treatment for Postpartum Alopecia.

Belgravia offers a free consultation to fully diagnose your condition and discuss a suitable treatment programme. To book an appointment, call 020 7730 6666 or message the centre. Alternatively, complete the online diagnostic form and the clinic will review this and contact you shortly.

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The Belgravia Centre

The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.

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