Q&A: Can I Get Hair Loss Treatment in Dubai or Sharjah?



Question: I am a 40 year old woman and my hair has been falling out for six years since I came to live in Dubai. I am using hair creams, coconut oil regularly, but with no result. I am now losing more than I am growing, consequently I've been left with very thin hair. While shampooing my hands are full with my hair. My hair can be seen all over my home floor. I have got a broad face which looks too odd now with such thin hair on my head. Please advise if I can get any good treatment in Dubai/Sharjah except hair transplantation. Thanks.

A Belgravia Hair Loss Treatment Course Can Be Delivered Anywhere in the World.Answer: It is very common for a person to move to another country and the change in the environment triggers Diffuse Hair Loss that persists. The stress of the initial hair loss also helps to perpetuate the problem and it may be the case that ongoing stress triggers Female Pattern (genetic) Hair Loss. As a result the hair grows back thinner and has a shorter life cycle, hence it falls out after a few months. The hair loss becomes progressively more severe; less and less hair grows back leaving the person with more visible scalp or less hair density. The person gets more stressed and cycle continues. Temporary or Diffuse Hair Loss does not continue for six years without any aggravating factor. If your health is good then it is most likely to be Female Pattern Hair Loss.

Whether it is Diffuse Hair Loss or Female Pattern Hair Loss, the Belgravia Centre can offer a treatment tailored to suit you. Please note, if there is an underlying health condition, as is sometimes the case with Diffuse Hair Loss, this needs to be treated so that your hair loss treatment will be more effective. For women, we base most hair loss treatment courses around Minoxidil, the only product that has shown to be both safe and effective at treating female hair loss. The Belgravia Centre has an inhouse registered pharmacy that prepares three types of Minoxidil with added hair growth boosters. While the Belgravia Centre is unable to recommend any clinic in Dubai or Sharjah, we can provide our service online. If you complete and submit the online diagnostic form, we can diagnose your condition via email or telephone and offer you a mail order treatment service.

More Information
Hair Loss in Women
Hair Loss Products
Before/During Hair Loss Treatment Photos
Hair Loss Success Stories

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The Belgravia Centre

The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.

View our Hair Loss Success Stories, which includes the world's largest gallery of hair growth photos and demonstrates the level of success that so many of Belgravia's patients achieve.