Pupils Cut Hair In Support of Alopecia Sufferer

Two teenagers from Meir, Staffordshire have shaved off their hair in support of a friend suffering from Alopecia.

‘Scared’ and ‘embarrassed’ by alopecia

Left to Right: Gabbi Hassall, Courtney Hassall and Oliwia Kaczmarek Left to Right: Gabbi Hassall, Courtney Hassall and Oliwia Kaczmarek

Sixteen-year-old Courtney Hassall starting losing her hair while studying for her GCSE exams.

She said, “I was really scared because I didn’t know what was happening to me until I went to the doctors. I had hair down to my waist and I had to have it cut short and combed over my crown to cover patches.”

Alopecia Areata, or sudden patchy loss of hair, is an autoimmune condition which can be triggered by extreme stress.

Affecting both men and women, it can be very distressing problem, not least for self-conscious teenagers. Courtney says, “It was really difficult at school because people didn’t understand and I was too embarrassed to talk about it.”

Friends show solidarity

Courtney’s sister Gabbie and her friend Oliwia Kaczmarek had their cut off in solidarity with Courtney. The pair also donated their ponytails to the Little Princess Trust a UK charity that creates real-hair wigs for children suffering from hair loss usually due to chemotherapy or alopecia. They also managed to raise £500 in sponsorship for the charity.

Gabbie explained, “We wanted to show support for her and to do something to raise money for the Little Princess Trust, so we thought having our hair cut off would be the most noticeable thing to do”.

The pair, pictured here before the chop, are happy to share the experience with Courtney and are learning to deal with their different hairstyles. Oliwia said, “I was very nervous as I have always had long hair, but now it’s off I won’t cover my head up with hats or wigs”.

Grateful for brave support

Courtney is now taking steps to deal with stress and is thankful for her friends’ support. She added, “I am really proud of Gabbie and Oliwia for doing this. I wouldn’t have been able to do it if I had had a choice.”

If you are concerned that you have signs of hair loss, an early diagnosis gives the best chance of regrowth and recovery. Hair loss specialists are available for consultation, and will be able to diagnose your condition an advise on the bespoke hair loss treatments to suit your needs. Whilst Alopecia Areata treatment is available, and can often produce promising regrowth results in Belgravia's adult clients, if started soon enough, it is advisable for teenagers under the age of 18 who are experiencing hair loss to contact their GP first.

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The Belgravia Centre

The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.

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