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Patterns of Hair Loss
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is a very rare hair loss condition that has been described as looking like footprints in the snow.
Pseudopelade is an unusual form of permanent hair loss, which results in patchy, irregular shaped areas of total hair loss on the scalp. Sometimes known as Alopecia Cicatrisata, the condition normally develops very slowly. The cause of Pseudopelade is unknown, but it is thought to be an auto-immune condition.
Because it is so rare, diagnosis of Pseudopelade is difficult and it can sometimes be misdiagnosed for other types of hair loss, such as Alopecia Areata, however the two conditions are actually very different. Hair loss normally occurs in different areas for Alopecia Areata and Pseudopelade, and once Pseudopelade stops, no more hair will be lost, but hair loss from Alopecia Areata can keep returning.
Hair loss from Pseudopelade is in well-defined but irregular shaped, slightly depressed areas of the scalp, which have a very similar look to footprints in snow. The outline of the area is normally soft and progress of the area affected is slow. Some people will just be left with one ‘footprint’ but for others the condition continues to spread across the scalp for many years until only a few hairs remain.
Three times as many women as men are affected by Pseudopelade, and it is most commonly seen in older women. However, it has also been found in people of both sexes of all ages, including children. The condition is extremely rare and does not often affect more than one family member.
Sadly, there is currently no treatment for Pseudopelade. There is no way to stop the progress of hair loss from Pseudopelade, nor to encourage hair to grow back in the affected areas. If you think you may be suffering from Pseudopelade, visit your GP as soon as possible.
The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.
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