One is the future king of England, the other is the (sometime) king of English football, and while their lives couldn’t really be more different they are certainly bound by their love of the beautiful game… and
hair loss.
Manchester United captain
Wayne Rooney has become something of a poster boy for hair restoration procedures after getting fed up with his thinning in his mid 20s. He has now had at least two
transplants reportedly costing £30,000 in his quest to halt the genetic hair loss condition
Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). As many men discover, MPB is by far the most common hair loss condition there is; it is also the reason why Prince William's locks have been quietly disappearing for the best part of a decade.
Well placed to admire Rooney's work
When the two met at Wembley recently, Prince William found himself in the perfect position to admire the work that Rooney has had done. Having been positioned slightly higher than the player as he presented him with the FA cup following United’s win against Crystal Palace, the Prince had the golden chance to see just what £30,000 of surgery looks like.
The Daily Star reports that William was impressed, and that he has spoken to Rooney about
his own thinning hair and revealed that “he wouldn’t mind some help with his hair.”
When men experience Male Pattern Baldness, they are typically faced with four options. The first and generally the least appealing is to buy a wig or hairpiece; few people go straight down this route unless they have to as wigs can feel uncomfortable to wear and they are often easy to spot. The second is to grin and bear it, possibly opting for a
short haircut to make things less obvious.
The final two methods each have their own merits. The first is the Rooney route though this is not generally recommended by hair transplant surgeons for men under 25.
The fourth route, is to visit a
hair loss clinic in order to be recommended a suitable course of clinically-proven, non-invasive
hair loss treatment following a professional assessment and diagnosis. Indeed, many people think that this is exactly what Prince William should have done years ago - including the
Queen's hairdresser.
When diagnosed early on,
treatment for Male Pattern Baldness can have a significant impact. Now, the Prince’s
thinning crown and vertex - the area along the top of the scalp - is so advanced that the only option may well be to go the Rooney route and have a transplant, although some surgeons believe Prince William's hair loss may actually now be too extensive for even surgical restoration to be viable. Manchester-based transplant surgeon Dr Asim Shahmalak told the Daily Star, "
Time is running out for Prince William and it may be too late for him to have a transplant. He has too large an area of baldness to cover".
The Star also reports that the future king has been dissuaded from exploring potential hair loss solutions thus far because there have been suggestions that it wouldn’t be befitting of a man in his position. Both his father and grandfather have been experiencing this type of hereditary balding for many years and they simply “
got on with it.”
But William is from a newer, younger generation of Royals, where glamour and rubbing shoulders with celebrities is part of the deal. Would the nation really think any less of our future king if he were to use medical science to
enhance his image? Getting hair loss treatment of any kind certainly has a lot less of a stigma about it now, and indeed medical science is a lot more advanced, since his father and grandfather started losing their hair.
Hair loss treatment before and after surgery

One thing that would likely happen if the Prince were to consider a hair transplant is that his surgeon would encourage him to follow a hair loss treatment course comprising the two MHRA licensed and FDA approved medications for male pattern baldness, for at least six months beforehand. These are
finasteride 1mg - a daily oral tablet taken to block the enzyme
which causes the hair to thin in cases of genetic hair loss - and
high strength minoxidil - a topical drug which comes in a number of formulations and helps to accelerate hair growth.
The aim of using such treatments before a hair transplant is to stop existing shedding and “beef up” the hair count to its maximum potential; this can give the surgeon a cleaner area and more hair to work with when it comes to the operation.
Some men following this advice may decide their
Male Hair Loss Treatment results may warrant them cancelling their surgery; this can be especially true when they find out that, following a hair transplant, it is important to continue to use these products as on-going aftercare to help preserve the results and prevent
hair thinning in areas around the new grafts, which will remain susceptible to the effects of DHT.
Interestingly, media speculation has recently arisen regarding Wayne Rooney considering a third hair transplant, with the Daily Mail and the Mirror both pointing out how Rooney is now experiencing more thinning in the areas he did not previously address through his prior operations.