New Year's Resolution to Deal With Hair Loss?

At the start of each new year, once the hangovers have cleared, many of us turn our attention to defining goals for the year ahead and devise a set of New Year's Resolutions. Along with the usual suspects of losing weight, exercising regularly and eating more healthily, there is also another change many people seek to make... Each January Belgravia sees an influx of men and women who hope to tick off dealing with hair loss from their list.

Yet, despite the initial good intentions, these plans for self-improvement or lifestyle changes often do not come to fruition. According to research from Waze, 19th January is the day by which New Year resolutions tend to be broken by.

In order to help motivate those who want to tackle issues with hair thinning or sudden hair fall, we have compiled some advice below that may help to put you on the right track.

TrichocheckGet a professional diagnosis of your hair loss condition

They say the first step is the hardest but at Belgravia we aim to make it as easy as possible. If you are concerned about losing your hair, let a hair loss specialist assess you. This can be done free of charge at one of our Central London hair loss clinics. Alternatively, if you are based elsewhere in the UK or abroad you can complete a quick Online Consultation form which allows you to upload photos from your computer, phone or tablet.

We often hear from clients how just having someone listen to their concerns then give them a clear picture as to what was happening - from the type of hair loss condition to advice on how to treat it - can be extremely comforting. Equally, knowing that expert support is available can also be a huge relief, particularly when dealing with such a sensitive and personal subject. Once you've taken this first step you will be in full possession of the facts and can decide what action to take.

Be honest about what you will do

Following their initial consultation, a hair loss specialist will provide you with recommendations for treatments, products and formulations they believe to be best-suited to your precise condition, pattern and level of shedding. It is important to be honest about what you realistically will - and what you will not - use. That way a hair loss treatment course can be tailored to your exact needs and situation, making it more likely that you will use it regularly - which is key.

"We find that when clients' results are not going quite to plan it is often because they have been skipping treatments or have stopped and started again," explains senior Belgravia hair loss specialist Leonora Doclis. "Just like buying new trainers won't make you fit, it's no use having treatments if you're not going to use them. This is why we aim to provide the best and most convenient course possible - to encourage regular usage. Using the treatments exactly as explained is crucial in order to give yourself the opportunity of seeing maximum results."

Once they have put their mind to it, some clients like to go full steam ahead with a comprehensive treatment course from the get go. Others prefer to start off with a more streamlined routine and build it up with additional hair growth boosters as they go along. Both are completely viable options and ones that your dedicated specialist and Treatment Advisor can discuss with you.

Get into a routine

To start with, it is worth considering the advice of AXA PPP healthcare psychologist, David Williams: “It’s key to pinpoint what you are really looking to achieve. Once you’ve found that out, set a few short term goals that add up to the main goal." 

So, for instance your first goal could be to get professional hair loss advice regarding your condition and looking into treatment options. Your second goal could be starting a hair loss treatment plan, with your third goal of seeing results - from stabilisation of existing thinning or receding, to initial signs of regrowth - set to coincide with your first quarterly check up.

Fit your treatments into your lifestyle so that using them daily becomes a habit. If you are using applications of high strength minoxidil, we often recommend leaving this in the bathroom near your toothbrush so that you can apply it quickly before cleaning your teeth. If you are using a LaserComb booster device you can use this whilst watching one of your favourite TV shows so that, again, it becomes a regular habit. We have also heard from clients who keep theirs in their car's glove compartment so that they can use it when they're stuck in traffic - a fantastic way to multitask!

Depending on how advanced the hair loss is when treatment is started it can take three to six months - or twelve in some extreme cases - to start seeing results. Meaning those who start their new treatment courses in January should start to see visible progress by Easter time and, should they continue, by the Summer they should have to worry less about sunburned scalps!

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The Belgravia Centre

The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.

View our Hair Loss Success Stories, which includes the world's largest gallery of hair growth photos and demonstrates the level of success that so many of Belgravia's patients achieve.

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