My 21 Year Old Daughter Has Female Pattern Hair Loss'


Sherry L

Female Pattern Hair Loss Can Start When a Woman Is In Her Twenties, Sometimes YoungerQuestion: My 21 year old daughter has early female balding diagnosed by her dermatologist who took scalp biopsies from two different sections and gave a poor diagnosis. She is on Rogaine and Spironolactone in a pill form. Will she ever regain her hair? Should we add laser therapy? This is very serious. Help, help, a very conerned mother. This is affecting her self esteem greatly!!

Please email ASAP with some good news about laser therapy for alopecia. My mother has this condition. I just started losing my hair in spots but I’m 53 years old and expect it but what can a 21year old do? Please give information.
Thank you for your time.

Answer: Androgenetic Alopecia or Female Pattern Hair Loss is a very distressing condition for any woman to experience, especially a 21 year old. Rogaine contains Minoxidil. Minoxidil is a proven medication to help stabilise hair loss and stimulate re-growth. However, in order for this treatment to work, you also need to block the androgen that causes the follicles to shrink: Rogaine does not contain any anti-androgen. You can find out more about the range of MINOXIDIL formulations available at Belgravia by contacting the centre.

We also offer the HairMax LaserComb as a laser therapy for hair loss. It is not a stand alone hair loss treatment but can work alongside Minoxidil to improve the treatment's efficacy. The HairMax LaserComb is FDA-cleared which means that it has undergone clinical studies and been found to be both safe and effective for the treatment of hair loss. So in answer to your question, it may be highly beneficial for your daughter to consider a treatment programme that includes Minoxidil and the LaserComb. Belgravia offers the LaserComb free on most of our treatment programmes.

I would advise your daughter to come in for a consultation (which is free) with one of our hair specialists so we can confirm the diagnosis and advise on the best treatment plan. To book an appointment, please call 020 7730 6666 or message the clinic. If she is unable to come to the clinic, please ask her to complete the online diagnostic form and submit photographs and we will review her case and be in touch shortly.

I would also recommend that you come in for treatment so we can diagnose the cause of your hair loss. It may be the onset of Female Pattern Hair Loss, in which case, the earlier it is treated, the better the results will be. Or it could be due to another type of female hair loss such as Telogen Effluvium or Diffuse Thinning. Once diagnosed, we can find a suitable treatment for both you and your daughter.

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The Belgravia Centre

The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.

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