More Support Needed for Hair Loss Sufferers

Men and women suffering from hair loss need access to therapy to deal with the psychological issues associated with it, according to experts.

womanA recent poll which questioned over 1,400 people in the UK found that a quarter of people with hair loss felt distressed when they looked in the mirror, 33% felt self-conscious, and almost 20% said they lacked confidence in social situations.

According to the report's author, health psychologist Dr Nigel Hunt, a "significant minority" of people were found to be at risk of serious psychosocial consequences, including depression, anxiety, lower self-esteem and identity change.

"While hair loss affects a quarter of the population, the psychosocial consequences are relatively unknown," Dr Hunt said. "This report looks beneath the surface to reveal the fundamental reasons why hair loss has such an impact on those who suffer and the extent to which it holds a negative perception in society."

The results found that the negative implications of hair loss were personally and professionally damaging - those polled said the condition would have a "significant risk" of damaging relationships and worried their sexual attractiveness would decrease as a result of it, and 30% said women with hair loss could be discriminated against at work, whereas only 15% agreed men would be discriminated against.

Around 2% of the population suffers from alopecia areata which has long been associated with stress and other autoimmune disorders, while the majority of people are affected by male pattern baldness or female pattern hair loss.

"This report provides help to develop understanding of the relatively uncharted psychosocial impact of the condition across the UK. It demonstrates that hair loss cannot be dismissed as a one-dimensional problem but is a serious issue that requires emotional support," Dr Hunt said.

Hair loss is not a one-dimensional issueIf you’d like to find out more about the different types of conditions and the most effective treatments for hair loss, call the Belgravia Centre on 020 7730 6666 to talk to a hair loss specialist. You’ll find empathetic and sincere experts who can help and guide you in making the best decision about your individual condition and make recommendations based on a personal diagnosis. The online diagnostic form also allows you access to specialist advice and treatment without the need to visit the London centre.

However, many people wish to meet a hair loss specialist in person which is why, as from June 2009, the Belgravia Centre specialists will be holding consultation days throughout the country. For information about locations and dates, call free on 0800 011 4201 or send an email.

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Hair Growth Success Story: “It makes me feel sexier and the women love it!”
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The Belgravia Centre

The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.

View our Hair Loss Success Stories, which includes the world's largest gallery of hair growth photos and demonstrates the level of success that so many of Belgravia's patients achieve.