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Laser therapy for hair regrowth is an idea that’s undoubtedly been toyed with by many a hair loss sufferer but is, of course, part of a long line of hair loss products and treatments promising an effective solution.
But given the amount of products, potions and lotions out there, it can be hard to sort the wheat from the chaff when it comes to hair loss solutions. As such, many people are still unaware or unsure about the efficacy of treating hair loss with laser devices, so we wanted to give you some information to clarify what is involved.
Low level laser therapy (LLLT) delivered via the HairMax LaserComb more specifically, is the most recent addition to the FDA’s sanctioned hair loss products with the LaserComb being FDA cleared (as it is a device), and the well-established finasteride 1mg and minoxidil medications being FDA approved (as they are medicines).
The LaserComb was the first proven laser product and offers a unique method of action. The patented mechanism works by using combs to part the hair in order to prevent hair from blocking the light from reaching the scalp. There are many other forms of low-level laser therapy which are unproven and are, therefore, not recognised by the FDA.
In 2007 the FDA cleared the Laser Comb, declaring it a safe and effective device for promoting hair regrowth. This device was the first drug-free alternative hair loss treatment to be sanctioned by the FDA, and the first LLLT device to be given FDA clearance for hair growth. This gives many hair loss sufferers, previously unable or unwilling to turn to drug-based solutions, an avenue that may be worthwhile exploring.
Quite often, men who suffer from hairloss will accept their condition, shave off their remaining hair or wear some type of non-surgical hair replacement system. Others will take a more aggressive approach and go for the surgical hair transplant option.
Laser therapy, aside from being painless, is simple and cost effective. You have the option to perform the session yourself in the privacy of your own home and you’re able to visit a hair loss centre to receive booster clinical treatments. Using the HairMax LaserComb is easy and convenient, taking a few minutes up to three times per week; although it can be used as an individual treatment, Belgravia's hair specialists always advise that you use one or more of the other medically proven treatments in order to help maximise results.
The most important aspect of laser therapy is that it is completely safe, painless and aside from growing more hair, has minimal side effects. An extensive clinical study on the effectiveness of the LaserComb concluded that 93 percent of participants (who were aged 30 to 60) using the HairMax LaserComb had an increase in the number of terminal (thick) hairs and the average number of terminal hairs per square centimeter increased by 19 hairs/cm² over a six-month period. During the study, there were no reports of serious side effects and, interestingly, the number and types of side effects were similar in both the active and placebo groups.
Despite the laser therapy’s active role in hair regrowth, it is important to note that it will not singularly prevent baldness and stop thinning hair.
“The LaserComb doesn’t stop thinning hair,” Dr. Elena Dimitrova, hair and scalp care specialist at the Belgravia Centre notes. “It will happen with medication but the laser on its own can only encourage hair growth and make the hair stronger.”
The LaserComb uses low-level laser light to increase blood circulation to the hair follicles and allow nutrients to be delivered to the cells. It also helps to divide the hair cells so as to enable the storage of adenosine three phosphate (ATP), a coenzyme responsible for intracellular energy transfer and known to stimulate living cells including the hair follicles.
“If the cells need energy, the stored ATP will be released and this is what is used to increase hair growth,” Dr. Dimitrova explains.
Success of laser therapy differs from person to person, from voluminous to minimal results. The results will depend on how far advanced the occurrence of hair loss is and if a combination of effective treatment is being used. As male and female pattern baldness are permanent, progressive conditions, it is wise to seek advice about starting treatment as soon as possible. As you will see from Belgravia's Success Stories gallery the more advanced the hair loss is to start with, the longer it can take to see results.
With everything we have subjected our hair to in the past in the quest for a full head of hair, it appears we finally have a solution or three. We have cut, coloured, washed, glued, sewn, implanted and pill-popped everything we could to create that perfect head of hair. Now, with the advent of medical regulator-authorised hair loss treatments we can stimulate our scalp to get the follicles back on track and start producing hair again.
The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.
View our Hair Loss Success Stories, which includes the world's largest gallery of hair growth photos and demonstrates the level of success that so many of Belgravia's patients achieve.