It’s Tough at the Top for Cameron and Osborne

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With arguably the toughest jobs in the UK right now, it is little surprise that Prime Minister David Cameron and Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne are both showing signs of the pressure. Both politicians appear to be losing significant amounts of hair, not unlike their cabinet colleague William Hague.

What is happening to the Prime Minister’s hairline?

For some time there has been speculation that David Cameron has developed Male Pattern Balding, with the appearance of a distinctly thinner patch of hair at the top of his head. This bald patch has only really become noticeable since taking the role of Prime Minister in 2010, but has increased significantly in size since the beginning of this year. Recent photographs suggest that Cameron’s thinning on top has also been joined by a receding hairline further reducing the amount of hair on his head.

Despite carefully styling his hair to reduce the appearance of baldness, David Cameron’s scalp has received plenty of attention from the press.

A new style for the Chancellor

Attending the Conservative Party conference in Manchester last month, Chancellor George Osborne was pictured sporting a brand new hairstyle for the occasion. Addressing the conference hall, Osborne even managed to work a joke into his speech about the new style, saying he had “turned it round to stop the recession".

Earlier in the year media commentators and hair loss experts had begun drawing attention to Osborne’s hair suggesting that he was developing a bald patch on top.

Can a stressful job cause hair loss?

Leading one of the G8 nations during a time of financial crisis will undoubtedly add to the stress of Cameron and Osborne’s jobs. However the indications are that both men are experiencing hair loss as a result of Male Pattern Baldness. Male Pattern Baldness, or Androgenic Alopecia to give the condition its proper name, is characterised by hair being lost at the front of the head (known as a receding hairline) and the development of a bald patch at the crown.

Although stress is believed to exacerbate some hair loss conditions, hair loss experts suggest that hormones and genetics play a greater role in the onset and development of Androgenic Alopecia. Male Pattern Baldness is caused specifically by the conversion of the hormone testosterone into a secondary compound known as an androgen. This androgen then attacks hair follicles in the scalp, causing them to shrink and preventing the growth of new hair. Over time this hair follicle shrinkage leads to noticeably thinner hair, and then patchy baldness.

Fortunately for the British public there is no scientific data to suggest that hair loss has any effect on a leader’s ability to carry out their duties.

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The Belgravia Centre

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