Is Lady GaGa Risking Hair Loss by Selling Her Locks?

In these days of free downloads, pop-stars have to go the extra mile if they want to sell lots of records. Lady GaGa’s fans can now pay £61.25 for a deluxe version of her album, The Fame Monster, paper GaGa dolls, 3D glasses, a book and a strand of her hair. But is the singer, who is known for her fashion statements, risking hair loss by plucking out her hair for the sales?

Lady GaGa is said to be selling her hair, but is she at risk of hair loss?Trichotillomania, also known as Trichotillosis, is an impulse control disorder where a person has the repeated urge to pull out their scalp hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, nose hair, facial hair, pubic hair or any other type of body hair. It can lead to bald patches and those with the condition follow a pattern of addictive, obsessive-compulsive behaviour. The condition is usually triggered by a period of stress or depression.

It may be possible to restore the hair that has been pulled out by using a tailored hair loss treatment programme however this will only be successful if the person is being treated for the obsessive-compulsive behaviour, which usually means some kind of therapy.

As it turns out Lady GaGa is actually giving away strands from her wig collection. She is reported as saying, "I have worn a lot of wigs over the years. I get to wear my real hair now because it is super-healthy - but I have worn a lot of wigs and I just said to the guys, 'Why don't you just give away locks of my hair?”

GaGa may have got inspiration for the idea from Elvis and Michael Jackson who have both had locks of their real hair auctioned to fans for large sums of money.

If you are concerned about hair loss and would like to find out more about hair loss treatments, the Belgravia Centre has a team of specialists who can help. To book a consultation (which is free) just call 020 7730 6666 or message the centre. Alternatively, complete the online diagnostic form and a treatment advisor will contact you.

More Information
Trichotillomania - The Hair Pulling Disorder
Trichotillomania Learning Centre
The UK Trich Support Group

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The Belgravia Centre

The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.

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