Is Hair Loss in the Shower Normal?'

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Losing hair in the shower - hair loss shedding

Name: Lesley

Question: Hi. Is it normal to see hair loss in the shower? I have seen 20 hairs in the plug each time I shower, is this normal?

Answer: Hi, Lesley. Firstly, losing 20 hairs per day is entirely normal.

Adults - including those without any hair loss condition - shed a standard amount of around 100 to 150 hairs per day.

Whilst many of this hair fall occurs without us noticing - coming out as we move around during the day - activities which involve agitating the scalp can shake loose hairs that have already shed but may not have fallen to the ground yet.

Brushing hair, combing it or washing hair not only helps any hairs in the shedding phase of the hair growth cycle to come loose and fall away, it also draws our attention to the hair fall given we are concentrating on it at the time.

This can make it seem as if we are noticing more hair loss when, in fact, it is simply hairs that have already shed as a normal part of hair growth, coming out.

If this is the only thing leading you to wonder if you are experiencing hair loss, it is unlikely you have anything to worry about. If this is accompanied by an overall drop in volume - where the hair feels thinner than previously, your parting appears wider and/or you notice a receding hairline start to develop - or if hair fall increases and shedding remains at a higher-than-normal level over an extended period of time - or if you see sudden bald patches develop - it is best to seek expert advice.

A consultation with a hair specialist can provide you with a diagnosis and, where appropriate, personalised hair loss treatment recommendations based on the outcome and your medical profile. This can be done online or in-person at a dedicated hair loss clinic.

However, as before, unless you have any additional symptoms, or start to develop any, the hair fall you describe is entirely normal and we do not believe there is anything for you to be concerned about based on the information provided.

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The Belgravia Centre

The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.

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