Is Extra Hair Loss Before a Hair Transplant Normal?'

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Hair Transplant Surgery - Surgical InstrumentsName: 


Question: Hi, I’ve done hair transplant five month ago and I notice that my hair loss became even worse before surgery, is that normal? Plz help me because I became very depressed every time I see my hair while I’m brushing or in the shower. Thank you

Answer: Hi, Naima. You don't mention what the cause of your hair loss was and why you chose to have surgical restoration so we can only give you general advice.

It is common for patients undergoing a hair transplant to be advise to follow a pharmaceutical hair loss treatment course for at least six months prior to surgery. If you had recently started using minoxidil ahead of your operation then this could well be the reason for extra shedding. Although it does not happen to all users, this is a fairly common effect seen in new users as they shed old, thin hairs and make room for new hair growth.

Thinning hair and excessive hair fall from all over the scalp can occur as a result of stress - either emotional or physical - around three months before you notice this extra shedding. This is often temporary and caused by a hair loss condition called Telogen Effluvium. This condition can also follow a hair restoration procedure sometimes due to the shock to your system caused by surgery. Normal hair growth will generally resume in up to six months time, though telogen effluvium treatment is available in order to help speed this process up.

As you are not a Belgravia Centre client, the best thing to do is to speak to your transplant surgeon who should be able to provide you with personalised information based on their knowledge of your hair loss condition and medical profile. If you would like a second opinion after this, however, we would need to assess you via a consultation. This could be done either in person at one of our Central London hair loss clinics or, if you are based elsewhere in the UK or abroad, then online via our website.

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The Belgravia Centre

The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.

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