Question: This article helped me to understand the possible cause of my hair fall . It suddenly started around a month back and I feel I have only half the amount of hair left . Also my scalp hurts when I go with a high ponytail which never happened earlier . I get around 8 to 9 hours of sleep daily but these days I have started sleeping late and then getting up late . Is it that shifting my sleeping time is making my scalp weak ?
Answer: Hi, Payal. A month is a short period of time in which to experience what sounds like fairly drastic hair loss from what you say here.
If your scalp is also hurting it suggests you may have an underlying health issue and/or scalp condition. The shift in sleep patterns should have little to no effect on your hair as you are still getting a good amount of sleep on a regular basis.
There are a number of illnesses and disorders that can cause intense shedding over a short period of time and it is more likely that this is the reason for your hair fall. This is due to a temporary condition called Telogen Effluvium which causes thinning hair from all over the scalp and a noticeable drop in hair density. It can be triggered by stress placed on the body - emotional or due to an illness or medication side effect - or a sudden shock, as well as other issues such as dietary imbalances.
Usually the hair starts to shed around three months after the trigger incident so if you think back to four months ago you may be able to determine the cause yourself. If not then a specialist can work with you to diagnose the condition and likely cause. They can also discuss the options for telogen effluvium treatment with you although in most cases the hair will grow back naturally in around three months time. It is often best to have this type of hair loss checked out as it can exacerbate or accelerate female pattern hair loss in those who have an existing genetic predisposition to this hereditary condition.
If you are scraping your hair back tightly into a ponytail then there is the possibility that you may have a sensitive scalp that is being aggravated by your hairstyle. If you wear your hair like this frequently there is also a possibility of Traction Alopecia. This occurs when excessive strain is placed on the follicles and it can present simultaneously alongside other hair loss conditions. One of its primary causes is regularly wearing tight hairstyles, including high ponytails.
Traction Alopecia mostly affects the hairline, causing it to recede particulalry around the temples, and can cause thinning or hair breakage at the point where the style is secured. Whilst effective traction alopecia treatment is available, this is a fully preventable condition so consider wearing your hair more loosely, at least every other day, in order to give your follicles a rest. If it is determined that you do have a number of conditions that are contributing to your hair fall, a hair loss specialist will be able to tailor a treatment course to your precise needs, including for any scalp issues, as there are treatment options for all the conditions mentioned here.
The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.
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