It is an established fact that the most common cause of
hair loss in men,
male pattern baldness, is an inherited condition.
However, it may be surprising to hear but just because a father has male pattern baldness, it doesn't necessarily follow that their son definitely will, too.
Inherited hair loss
Whether or not we have inherited the predisposition to androgenetic alopecia - the medical term for male pattern hair loss - is down to the genes that we inherit from our family tree. What this does not necessarily control though is whether the relevant genes are expressed or not.
This is because pattern hair loss is not a dominant trait, nor does it follow predictable patterns.
Whilst a son knowing his father went bald at a certain age, or is losing his hair, can help to know that there is a possibility of inheriting this common condition, it is not a guarantee.
Research suggests that this type of balding may not be dependent on just one gene, and studies are still ongoing, hoping to determine exactly which genes lead to hereditary hair loss.
If the requisite genetic makeup is in our DNA and the genes are active,
thinning hair and other classic symptoms of male pattern baldness can present; if they remain dormant these genes can still be passed on to the carrier's children, but they are unlikely to display signs of hair loss themselves. This is how hairloss can appear to
'skip' generations.
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![Royal Family hereditary hair loss](/download_file/view_inline/25484)
Of course, if it's already in your family then there is a good chance you may develop hereditary hair loss at some point - the men of the Royal Family are a good example of 'one in, all in' when it comes to male pattern baldness.
But that knowledge is power; you can take your time finding out about the options available to you should you start losing your hair before it actually happens. That way, if it does, you are ready to take swift action, whether it be shaving it off or getting a close crop - like Prince William - or trying clinically-proven
hair loss treatments to help block
DHT, the hormone responsible for causing this type of hair thinning - as Prince Harry was rumoured to have experimented with.
Whilst there is a lot of information on the internet - not all of it reliable - one of the most efficient ways to become properly informed about hair loss solutions from trustworthy sources is to consult specialists in the field. They can provide you with the necessary advice and recommendations, though it is worth knowing that treatment cannot actually begin - even as a preventative measure - until there are actual signs of balding, in order to confirm that the condition is not only present but active.