Some types of
hair loss are unavoidable, and there is little that can be done to pre-emptively prevent them from occurring. However, there is one form of hair loss which is entirely preventable:
Traction Alopecia.
This hair loss condition is caused by excessive tension and pulling of the hair, usually as a result of certain hairstyling habits. Here we take a look at some ways to prevent Traction Alopecia from occurring:
1 Don’t wear overly tight hairstyles
Ponytails, braids and cornrows are all common causes of Traction Alopecia. These types of hairstyles apply constant tension to hair which can result in damage over time. By changing your hairstyle to one which is a little more follicle-friendly, or even just being mindful of how tightly you style your hair, you can take a significant step towards preventing hair loss caused by Traction Alopecia.
2 Don’t use hair extensions
Pulling and tension on the hair can also be caused by excess weight being carried by the hair. Hair extensions add a significant amount of weight to your own hair, which in effect constantly pulls on it, damaging the hair strands and even the follicle. The glue used to bind some hair extensions to natural hair can also result in damage.
3 Avoid frequently colouring your hair
Regular use of hair colouring treatments can prove damaging for hair. The chemicals and bleaches used in hair dyes drain moisture out of the hair, leaving it dry, brittle and prone to breakage.
4 Change your styling methods
Heated styling methods such as hair straighteners and curlers can significantly contribute towards Traction Alopecia. The extreme heat that hair is subjected to during such styling methods has a damaging effect, particularly when used frequently.
5 Go natural, at least sometimes
The best thing you can do to prevent Traction Alopecia from occurring is to wear your hair naturally. If this is not possible or desirable all the time, then you may benefit from at least leaving your hair to its natural devices from time to time. This will give your hair a chance to recover and repair itself.
Can Traction Alopecia hair loss be reversed?
Yes, if it is caught before too much damage is done to the follicles. The first step in preventing further hair loss is to identify the styling method or other factor that is causing the condition. Once this ceases, your hair should begin to recover naturally.
The Belgravia Centre can help you to nurse your hair back to health if it has fallen victim to Traction Alopecia. Our hair loss experts have successfully dealt with many cases of this potentially stubborn form of shedding which typically causes receding around the hairline and in patches where any extensions or hairstyles have been fixed. They are able to utilise a wide range of pharmaceutical components and clinical methods to promote hair re-growth and tailor a personalised
Traction Alopecia treatment programme to each individual client's specific needs.
Take a look at some of the before and after starting treatment pictures of a number of our clients in Belgravia's
Traction Alopecia Treatment Success Stories to view the kind of results we achieve.