Name: Cam
Question: I really need help, I am only 17 years old and my hairline is receding from the temples , and I am African American. I've tried several things such as castor oil, and hair growth shampoos. How do I fix my hairline from thinning? The rest of my hair is really thick. and my dad has a low cut but his hairline does not seem to be receding.
Answer: Hi, Cam. Firstly, you need to find out what is causing your
hair loss - if that is what is happening. The information below is the same for Afro hair as it is for all other hair types.
Although a
receding hairline is a well-established symptom of the hereditary condition
male pattern baldness, this is only one issue to consider.
It is certainly the most common hair loss condition worldwide and, whilst more common in men nearer to their late 20's and early 30's onwards, its onset can come about any time following puberty. However, as you are 17 years of age, there is a chance that changes to your hairline are actually something other than
premature hair loss.
When a man goes through puberty his face shape can change and, as a result, so can his hairline. It may soften and round off, where it was straighter previously. This is known as a
maturing hairline and is not a form of hairloss. Some young men will barely notice these shifts in their hair, whilst for others the change may be more dramatic.
As you mention that you are experiencing
thinning hair around the frontal area, there is certainly a chance that it is the early stages of male pattern baldness. This condition is genetic and can be inherited from either side of the family. It may also
skip generations; this means that the relevant 'balding genes' are dormant and able to be passed on to their children, but the person with them does not display outwards signs of hair loss.
You mention that your dad's hairline does not seem to be receding. This could be either due to him having an inactive genetic predisposition to male pattern baldness, which may remain dormant or become active at any point. Or he may be experiencing
thinning on top or at his crown. Male pattern hair loss affects the top of the scalp, from the crown to the hairline, and may present in any of these areas either singularly, two at a time or all three at once. It is a permanent, progressive condition which tends to develop over a number of years and the rate at which hair sheds varies from person to person.
Whilst it is natural to want to try various
hair loss products and those claiming to promote hair growth, shampoos and moisturisers such as
castor oil are cosmetic treatments. This means they will only improve the appearance of the hair on a surface level, if you have medical hair loss, they will not work at regrowing hair. There are, however, clinically-proven treatments available which have been MHRA licensed and FDA approved for this specific purpose.
Firstly, we would advise you to have a consultation with a hair loss specialist in order to get a professional diagnosis. As you are based in the USA, this can be carried out online using this
consultation form which allows you to upload photos to help with your free assessment. This will not only enable you to receive personalised recommendations for appropriate
hair loss treatment if needed, but it will give you peace of mind. No-one should have to worry about their hair at such a young age and, whatever the issue, you certainly have time - and options - on your side.