Help With Hair Loss and Breakage from Chemical Relaxer'

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Chemical Trauma Hair Loss CausesName: Yasmin

Question: Hi…. I had severe breakage and severe hairfall after a chemical relaxant. I have fine Indian hair. Yes i was dumb. I can see my scalp. Patches have fallen off. It’s been 4 and a half months and i have a slight improvement. I used minoxidil for 3 months. Was doing well on it but after a while my scalp could not tolerate it. Now that I have stopped the minoxidil I am shedding… what can i do… help help help

Answer: Hi, Yasmin. First, you need to be very kind to your hair and scalp as chemical relaxers can cause a lot of trauma in addition to hair loss.

Ensure you wash your hair with a gentle, nourishing shampoo every day or every other day and do not wear any tight hairstyles while your scalp is recovering. The reason you reacted badly to the minoxidil could be that your scalp was already irritated and perhaps areas had broken skin due to the harsh chemicals in the relaxer. Healthy hair growth requires a healthy scalp so it is important to address both your hair and your head in order to correct this damage and likely chemical trauma.

At Belgravia we offer a range of high strength minoxidil formulations and it could simply be that you need to change your minoxidil formula to one that it better suited to your scalp. In order to ascertain which is likely to work best for you, we would advise having a free consultation. That way your precise hair loss condition - it's worth bearing in mind that there could be more than one at play - can be assessed and diagnosed by one of our experts.

When the appropriate hair loss treatment is prescribed and combined with professional clinical therapy for your scalp, we would hope to set your hair back on the road to recovery. Additional hair growth boosters such as Belgravia's premium hair growth supplements, Hair Vitalics can also encourage healthy hair from the inside out.

In terms of hair breakage, it is advisable to deal with the snapped strands before they start to progress. You want to minimise splitting, especially going up towards the root. Whilst many hair care products claim to be able to mend split ends, in cases of severe breakage it is often best to speak to your hairstylist first. We recommend you visit your hairdresser and find out if they can trim your hair or perhaps cut layers in so that you don't lose too much length. Once the broken hair has been snipped off and tidied up, the hair should instantly look better as breakage makes the hair look even thinner.
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The Belgravia Centre

The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.

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