Hair Loss Treatment to Appear Youthful in the Workplace?

New research has found that employees who feel youthful are more successful than those who do not. So what does this mean for those with hair loss who may look older due to thinning hair?

Feeling young

Hair Loss Treatment to Appear Youthful in the Workplace

A new study, published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, looked into the effect of an aging population on productivity in the workplace. The research was based on studying 15,164 employees across 107 German companies in various sectors, including retail and finance.

Researchers discovered that the youngest employees tended to feel older than they were, but the trend reversed with older workers. Those aged over 50 felt an average of eight years younger than they really were.

The German study concluded that those who felt youngest were the most productive in the workplace. Employees who felt their real age had productivity rates 5-6% lower than those who felt younger.

Raising productivity

Florian Kunze from the University of Konstanz, who co-authored the study, told the Financial Times, “As workforces age, employers are concerned that productivity will decrease. That is not so. What matters is not chronological age but subjective age.

The study recommended further research specifically into how premature balding and greying hair could impact employee productivity. Employers could be convinced to promote a culture of youthfulness in the workplace it could help boost revenue if their workers simply feel a little younger.

This insight comes after previous research suggested that balding men could be at a disadvantage in the workplace. A youthful appearance has always been particularly important to those working in performing arts or modelling, but this new research suggests that feeling young has an effect on all workers.

Hair loss treatment trend

Click to See Belgravia Client Scott's Male Pattern Baldness Hair Loss Treatment Success Story Click the image above to see Scott's full Hair Loss Treatment Success Story

At both of Belgravia's Central and City of London-based hair loss clinics we have noted an upward trend for clients wanting to undergo hair loss treatment for work-related reasons. For many men, it is important to keep a youthful appearance in the workplace, particularly in the current economic climate, where competition for jobs in every field is stiff.

Often men with a family history of hereditary hair loss will seek preventative treatment for Male Pattern Baldness before the tell-tale signs, such as a thinning crown or receding hairline, become obvious.

If shedding is starting to affect your confidence, visit a hair loss specialist who will be able to diagnose your condition in addition to providing support and advice on how to regrow your hair, like Belgravia client, Scott, pictured.

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The Belgravia Centre

The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.

View our Hair Loss Success Stories, which includes the world's largest gallery of hair growth photos and demonstrates the level of success that so many of Belgravia's patients achieve.

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