Hair Loss Forces Vicar to Explain Her HIV in 'Cardboard Testimony'

When the Reverend Hayley Young, a Hampshire-based vicar, contracted HIV after a non-sexual attack in 2013, she shared the news with just a handful of friends and family. She was concerned that by publicly announcing her HIV status she would alienate some of her congregation.

Explained on video

But when treatment for her condition lead to hair loss, it was difficult to ignore such a visible sign that something was different. Her solution was to create a video in which she explained what was going on via a series of hand-written signs.

“Hiya,” the first one begins. “I’m Rev’d Hayley. A lot of you know me…”

She then goes on to explain how she was called into the ministry at the age of 21, how the attack led to her being diagnosed as HIV-positive and how some people were not very supportive when she told them. They said that she might be a danger to children.

“OK, you might not want to cross me on a Friday night in Havant,” she jokes on the next sign, “but really?” Continues below.

Touching and heart-warming

Reminiscent of the scene in the film Love Actually in which a love-struck young man declares his affections for Keira Knightley’s character, the video has quickly become an internet hit, with people commenting on how touching and heart-warming it is.

People also like the way Hayley injects her warm personality into the message, as well as the video’s touches of humour. “I no longer have to worry about my hair going curly in the rain!” she jokes at one point.

Hair loss from HIV treatment

Hayley’s hair loss, while very visible, has played just a small part in her struggles, which have included fatigue, pain and weakness. While she doesn’t go into details about her treatment in the message, The Daily Telegraph states that she has described it as “trial and error,” and admitted that "one of [her] side effects is hair loss."

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The Belgravia Centre

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