Hair Loss Causing Disease is Spreading

Would you rather be obese and have a full head of hair or a be a healthy weight but also bald? The question is not that unusual considering a recent survey asked men and women ‘would you rather have more money, more hair or more friends?’ Surprisingly 58% chose hair, but if you’re a sumo wrestler, you might not have a choice and end up bald with no money, no friends and still grossly overweight.

A new strain of herpes virus spreading among sumo wrestlers is even fiercer than its existing versions, according to researchers. The infectious skin disease, ‘Scrumpox’, is triggered by the herpes virus and is spread through direct skin-to-skin contact. As the fungus spreads during the grappling that is at the heart of sumo wrestling, it enters hair follicles and causes itching, skin to flake off, and baldness. It has even caused death.

Wrestlers have been forced to undertake a three-month course of medication to rid themselves of the disease, but the hair loss is permanent. The sport is now in disarray as some of the top wrestlers are losing their famous ‘topknots’. Hair is of significant cultural importantce which is why baldness is so concerning(Not exactly life-threatening but it’s another case of ‘would you rather?’)

Throughout the sport, hair is recognised as central to a wrestlers’ reputation, and they’re expected to grow their hair long and fix it in a topknot similar to that worn by samurai during the Edo period. In fact, thinning hair is what lead Yokozuna Tochigiyama, Japan’s most successful wrestler, to retire in his prime in 1925.

There are some cases where hair loss can be dangerous that is, a signal for an underlying medical condition. However, for most men (and women), hair loss is purely down to chance that is, who you’re born to determines whether you’re likely to have the bald genes.  Human hairs are genetically programmed to either be sensitive to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a natural bi-product that causes the hair follicles to shrink which leads to hair loss, or to be permanently immune to it. Other times, hair loss can be brought about by illness, physical or emotional stress, poor nutrition, or childbirth (just to name a few).

Sometimes it’s a completely natural condition, other times it’s a side effect of an unnatural situation but in any case, like the wrestlers, you will need to look into treatment options to address the condition. Unlike the wrestlers however, whose hair loss is permanent, you can effectively reverse various types of hair loss with proven medical hair loss treatments. Although not everyone’s case is the same, these treatments provide the best results when administered in the right situation, in the right amount for the individual and sometimes with the support of one or more hair growth boosters.

In some cases, but not always, you may need to stay on these treatments for life. Then again, would you rather add a 2 minute routine to your daily regime and keep your hair, or spend 2 minutes longer staring in the mirror watching your hairline disappear? Belgravia’s online diagnostic form provides a means for anyone in the world to accept professional advice from the experts in hair loss prevention at no cost, and the opportunity to access an individualised hair loss treatment mail-order program. However, if you can make it in to the London centre, call 020 7730 666 to book a free appointment with a hair loss specialist or send an email and do something about hair loss today.

More Information:

Hair Loss in Men
Hair Loss in Women
Hair Loss Success Stories

Interesting Articles:

Early Signs of Hair Loss
When Hair Loss Can Be Dangerous
Men and Women Would Rather Have More Hair than Money or Friends

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The Belgravia Centre

The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.

View our Hair Loss Success Stories, which includes the world's largest gallery of hair growth photos and demonstrates the level of success that so many of Belgravia's patients achieve.