The number of people with hair loss in developing nations may one day decrease thanks to a scientific breakthrough by researchers who have found a way to insert a hair-friendly nutrient into corn.

While the new development will definitely not spell an end to thinning locks in third-world countries, it remains entirely feasible that generations of people will benefit from it in a number of ways and healthier scalps and hair follicles are just one of them.
Modified to produce key nutrient
Researchers at the Rutgers University in New Brunswick, Canada, wanted to see if they could genetically modify corn, the world’s largest commodity crop, so that it would produce a key nutrient called methionine, which is not created naturally by the body and has to be ingested.
So important is this nutrient to both human and animal growth that it is already added in synthetic form to field corn seed around the world. This is primarily because corn is most often used for animal feed, and livestock will not properly bulk up if methionine is not added.
The developed world gets much of its methionine from meat, but to developing nations especially those in which small-scale subsistence farmers use corn to feed their families sufficient quantities are often missing from their diet. By inserting a bacterial gene into the corn plant’s genome, the Rutgers scientists were able to grow several generations of GMO corn with 57% more methionine. They hope that their findings will pave the way for a new and improved strain of the plant.
Minerals can aid hair growth
People with the temporary thinning condition
Telogen Effluvium and the genetic conditions
Male Pattern Baldness and
Female Pattern Hair Loss are regularly advised that their dietary intake can play a small but significant part in their overall hair health.
Men and women presenting with certain forms of hair thinning may be recommended
high-strength minoxidil to actively encourage hair growth, (men with male pattern baldness may also be offered a once-a-day drug named finasteride 1mg), as part of a
hair loss treatment course.
hair growth supporting products can also be offered including a premium food supplement named
Hair Vitalics, developed exclusively by Belgravia hair experts. This proprietary blend of essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids and botanical extracts, including selenium, zinc and biotin for the maintenance of normal healthy hair growth, is available in formulations aimed specifically at men or women. Both products contain L-Methionine, an essential sulphur amino acid which is involved in the body’s synthesis of L-Cysteine, a building block of proteins.
Though not intended to replace nutrients that can be found in a balanced diet, modern life is such that some people find it difficult to get what they need via their everyday food intake and often find it convenient to top up with a highly-targeted hair supplement. Hair Vitalics also contains premium hair-friendly components that are not necessarily found in a normal, balanced diet.
It is important to understand that food supplements are not hair loss treatments; they are complementary products which are simply another tool in the arsenal of those taking a holistic approach to maximising their hair's potential.