The thing about hair loss is that it can occur in anyone at any age not just to middle-aged men. There is such thing as normal hair loss but it shouldn’t be confused with the more serious forms of hair loss. Often there are no other symptoms other than the physical loss of hair so it’s important to watch out for the early signs of hair loss so it can be dealt with before it gets too far advanced.
The Signs of Baldness in Men
Hair loss in men tends to occur on the front hairline and forehead and on top of the head so there are two things men need to be aware of. One is quite an obvious sign of hair loss but you’re friend may start to notice the change before you do. A receding hairline or widow’s peak is a tell-tale sign of the early stages of hair loss but because hair loss is a gradual process, it may take a while before you realise what’s happening. Compare a photo of yourself a year or two ago to now. Look in the mirror and ask yourself if your forehead is more pronounced than before or if the hair at your temples has started to dwindle. Hair loss can also present itself as thinning hair where the hairs aren’t noticeably falling out but they’re getting gradually thinner as a result of shrinking hair follicles. Part your hair down the middle and pull on the hair to reveal your scalp. Do this regularly and see if you notice any changes in the width of the gap between the hairs. A widening gap revealing more of the scalp is an indicative sign of thinning hair which could lead to hair loss and possibly eventual baldness of the crown.
The Signs of Hair Loss in Women
There is generally only one early sign of women’s hair loss and that is thinning hair. Unlike men, women don’t experience a receding hair line and rarely will a woman go bald. Hair loss involves the thinning of hair in general, all over the scalp but mainly at the crown. Because women’s hair is generally longer than men’s, concerning forms of hair loss can be hard for a woman to detect because even normal hair loss is so obvious. The best thing to do is to keep a close eye on your hair brush and hair tie. Ask yourself how often you’re have to clean the hair from your brush and if there is any change in the amount of hair that is on it when you have finished brushing. And when tying your hair up, take note if you have to add another loop than usual to secure your hair in place. If you’re noticing any of these changes or are finding more clumps of hair on the bathroom floor, you could be experiencing above average hair loss.
What to do if you’re noticing signs of hair loss
If you think you may be losing more hair than usual but still aren’t too sure, there is a check you can perform at home to test yourself for hair loss that dermatologists have found to be effective in measuring shedding hair.
There are effective treatments for male and female hair loss but what treatment is needed and what hair growth boosters will make the treatments more effective will depend on the type of hair loss and the extent of the condition. Hair loss is a dynamic condition that is influenced by a myriad of factors so tailored programs that address an individual’s unique condition will generate the most successful hair loss treatment results.
For more information contact the Belgravia Centre . With over 15 years experience in hair and scalp care you can be guaranteed a thorough diagnosis by a trichologist and if required, a personalised hair loss treatment program. Call the centre to book a free consultation on 020 7730 6666 or contact us online. Alternatively, complete an online diagnosis form and after it has been examined by a trichologist, an expert treatment advisor will contact you.
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The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.
View our Hair Loss Success Stories, which includes the world's largest gallery of hair growth photos and demonstrates the level of success that so many of Belgravia's patients achieve.