On the long list of reasons why many people had suggested that Donald Trump might not be a great choice for President,
hair loss was admittedly rather near the bottom.

History, however, is often a good predictor of the future, and political commentators had pointed out that just five of America’s 44 Presidents had been noticeably balding, with only one - Eisenhower - being in modern times. This has long been spoken of as a tradition whereby voters dislike candidates with less than a full head of hair, given Gerald Ford was not elected by the people.
As the world woke up to news of the new Republican President following the controversial election, however, it was clear that anyone who thought
Donald Trump's hair might lose him support was wide of the mark.
Perhaps it would be unfair to suggest that the new President should be the sixth name on the “
bald Presidents” list, but debate about his hair certainly occupied many a column inch at the start of his campaign. It also inspired a number of viral memes with pictures of Trump's hair alongside captions declaring 'We Shall Overcomb' and 'There'll Be Hell Toupee'.
The 45th - and oldest - POTUS was at pains to prove his hair was his own during his campaign, often inviting supporters on stage
to tug at it. He also ensured his scalp was covered for many of his public appearances by wearing one of his campaign's famous red 'Make America Great Again' baseball caps.
Surgery rumours
Whatever the truth of his current situation, and whether he is simply using his signature
combover to conceal thinning, at 70 years of age The Donald is certainly a prime candidate for
Male Pattern Baldness. When men pass 60 their chances of thinning out rocket. The real issue, perhaps, is what happens beforehand - when hair thinning strikes at an earlier age - and whether it is possible for Male Pattern Baldness to develop when a man is
in his teens?

It is not at all uncommon in men in their 20's, and widespread when men are in their 30's. In recent years it has also been becoming more common for adolescents in their late teens to show signs of hair loss. This is thought to be associated with the stress and pressures of modern living, as well as dietary concerns such as the sugar and obesity epidemics. Could Mr Trump have been concealing genetic hair loss for years? Pictures from 1984 onward certainly suggest it could be the case.
Media stories regarding statements given during his 1991 divorce from ex-wife Ivana seem to insinuate Trump had
flap surgery. This is a procedure where the hairline is lowered, though this type of surgery would not address his hair loss. Ivana's former stylist Louis Licari seems to back the rumours that Trump had
hair transplant surgery.
let slip that he saw Trump visit the offices of a top surgeon in New York several times in the 1980's. If this is true, and the President-to-be was there for restoration surgery, it would appear his hairloss was first of sufficient concern for him to address it when Trump was in his 40's. Huge numbers of men see their hair start to thin out, and/or develop a
receding hairline around that age.
The reason is that they are genetically predisposed to be sensitive to a testosterone by-product named
DHT, which causes follicles to gradually shrink and eventually to stop producing hair. This is known as hair miniaturisation and is why the hair gets thinner and thinner as nature takes its course. Left untreated, the process will continue hair never suddenly starts regrowing on its own in cases of androgenetic alopecia - and while total baldness won’t necessarily ensue, the parts of the head that are affected by MPB, namely the top of the scalp and/or the hairline, will steadily thin and recede.
Rigorous trials for hair loss treatments
Over the past decade and beyond, companies have been developing hair loss products to help men combat hair loss. However, following rigorous trials to ensure their safety, efficacy and tolerability, there are still just two
MHRA licensed and FDA approved genetic
hair loss treatments available to men.
Following a personalised treatment course that features one or both of these established medications, taken in the right doses, can make a difference in many cases, even to stubborn areas of shedding, such as a
thinning crown.
As he turns 71 in June 2017, it is too late for Donald Trump to start treating his hair loss in this way now given he has passed the upper age limit for treatment. However, for younger men who are worried about thinning hair and take the President's current hairstyle as a warning of what might be in store, help is available.
Belgravia offers in-house services at our Central London clinics, as well as a
home-use hair loss treatment service which is popular with clients across the UK and the World - including America.