Does DHT Cause Facial Hair Loss of The Beard and Moustache?'

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Name: Bradley

Question: Hello guys, I was wondering does DHT shrink facial hair and body hair also? If our Moustache and beard thin out, can this be caused by DHT? If so, can Propecia help? What are the causes for shrinking hair on beard and moustache?

BeardAnswer: Hi, Bradley. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is perhaps best known as the main culprit of Male Pattern Hair Loss, which can start to develop in men with a genetic predisposition any time following puberty. This affects the hairs on the top of the scalp - from crown to hairline and temples - only.

DHT does not shrink body or facial hair such as the moustache or beard. In fact, bodily hair is actually dependent on DHT during puberty as it causes hair growth on the body.

Thinning of the beard may be due to hormonal issues or thyroid problems; it is often temporary. This is where medical investigation is necessary, however, if the beard area is naturally thin then there is not much that can be done unless you opt for a beard transplant. Also, if there is patchy hair loss from the beard, especially if the bald patches are rounded in shape, this could be a sign of the autoimmune disorder alopecia barbae.

No male hair loss treatment products are suitable for use on or in relation to the face. They are strictly for use in relation to genetic hair thinning from the scalp only.

We only deal with scalp-related hair loss here at Belgravia so we would recommend you speak to your GP or dermatologist about this issue. They should be able to carry out, or refer you, for any necessary tests and help you to find a solution.

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