What do you Digg?


is a social bookmarking site. That means you can 'bookmark' sites online along with other users. So, rather than being limited to just what you discover each day, you can see what others think to your choices, and you can see what others have found who share your interests.

When you 'Digg' a web page, it's as if you're voting for it. You are, in effect, telling the search engines that you've checked the web page and it looks good to you. The search engines use that information as a vote of confidence. A Digg, therefore, helps a web page get a good search engine position. Which is rather cool because if you think about it, it makes the Internet a little more interactive. It lets you influence things a little.

So, take a look at Digg. Open an account, and start Digging web pages you like. Connect with your friends and share what you Digg. Get into the habit of Digging good sites as you browse the Internet. And if you think one of those good sites is ours, Digg your favourite pages here too.

Step by step:
1) open an account at Digg.com go through the setup process
2) Digg a few sites just to get the hang of it (dare we suggest ours?)
3) start building a network of friends and start sharing Diggs

Explore Digg's different channels, eg. science or business, and play with the different time frames .. most recent through to 365 days.

Checkout Digg's about us page and faq. Take a look at the Digg tools, get Digg integrated into your Facebook, and checkout the Digg lab for cool tools.

Digg is a fabulous tool, enjoy it.

See the blog about Delicious too.

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