David Beckham Fears Baldness

David Beckham H&M Campaign The Belgravia Centre

During a recent interview with the Daily Star newspaper, footballer and global superstar David Beckham confessed that he fears going bald in the future. When asked about whether he had undergone a hair transplant, or would consider one in future, he said, “Someone said I'd had a hair transplant. There's definitely nothing wrong with doing that, but I don't think personally I would. If I do start showing signs of going bald, then I will shave it off. I've still got hair. I'm still fighting it."

Many of Beckham’s fears about hair loss seem to stem from the fact that his father Ted went bald, and genetically he too stands to experience a receding hairline or thinning hair as a result. Yet despite the popularity of hair transplant operations, such as that undergone by fellow England footballer Wayne Rooney, Beckham has already ruled them out.

However, because David Beckham is aware that his family has a predisposition to male pattern balding he can take proactive steps to retain his healthy hair before the he noticeably loses any at all.

How Do You Play This? Passing or Possession?

From what Beckham said, it is clear that he is taking good care of his hair, but doing little to actively prevent future hair loss. Knowing that there is a good chance he will later develop some form of hair loss, such as Androgenic Alopecia, based on his family history, Beckham is missing a good chance to retain all the hair he has from now on.

Eat Well for Hair Health

As an athlete and major media star, David Beckham is keeping himself in excellent physical shape through good diet and exercise. Healthy hair and continued growth rely on a steady supply of key vitamins and minerals being delivered through the blood stream to the hair follicles in the scalp. Some hair loss experts also suggest that consumption of foods high in antioxidants, such as berries, tomatoes and peppers can also reduce the symptoms of balding.

Given the importance of diet, Beckham would do well to maintain his current eating patterns to stave off a potential receding hair line in the future. Beckham may also benefit from choosing to use the unique HairVitalics dietary supplement available exclusively from The Belgravia Centre.

Reduce Stress to Prevent a Receding Hairline

Stress has been identified as one of several contributing factors in hair loss, particularly in relation to the condition known as Telogen Effluvium. Often hair loss caused by stress is temporary and regrows of its own accord at a later date.

However, knowing that stress can cause or exacerbate hair loss conditions, anyone who fears they are at risk would be well advised to avoid certain situations and activities which place them under pressure.

David Beckham and his wife Victoria have a number of contractual obligations both on and off the football pitch which means that they both lead extremely busy lives. This constant round of engagements places them under extreme pressure, potentially leading to stress and thereby raising the risk of hair loss. If David is serious about maintaining his hairline in future, he might do well to scale back some of his activities.

The Number 7 is Making a Play Forward

Yet despite these tips, David Beckham may only be able to slow the onset of baldness, rather than prevent it entirely. Androgenic Alopecia caused by genetics cannot be halted through lifestyle changes alone and eventually any man or women who is susceptible to pattern balding will succumb.

Fortunately there are a number of extremely successful hair loss treatments which can be employed as soon as the first signs of hair loss are noticed. Men and women both experience shedding of hair on a daily basis, with 80 to 100 strands being about average, and normally new hair grows at the same rate to replace that which is lost. However if a person notices consistent loss of more than this, they could well be experiencing a more serious condition such as Androgenic Alopecia.

Because prevention is always better than cure, a person losing hair should seek professional advice as soon as they realise there is a problem. By acting quickly, hair loss experts can implement a treatment routine to regrow the hair before anyone else notices a receding hairline or thinning vertex.

Belgravia Centre Before AfterBetter Than a Hair Transplant

What is perhaps most worrying with David Beckham’s interview is his assumption that a hair transplant is the only solution to balding.  The publicity surrounding Beckham’s England teammate Wayne Rooney, and his hair transplant has unfortunately led to many people assuming that they cannot combat their own hair loss in any other way.

An initial consultation with a hair loss expert should quickly identify any hair loss condition and allow for the creation of a personalised treatment plan to combat the issue. Every client of The Belgravia Centre receives a unique treatment plan formulated to meet their specific needs and requirements for maximum hair regrowth success, and the plan can involve several different elements. This can be delivered by post via our online diagnostic form as well as in person.

Normally the Belgravia Centre uses a number of treatments which are licensed by the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) for treating hair loss. These treatments proven to slow and reverse hair loss and Belgravia uses a number of booster products and clinical monitoring to help boost results and ensure optimum rates of regrowth.

He Scores!

Now that Beckham has gone on record to state he will never undergo a hair transplant operation, he has potentially made a number of problems for himself, particularly if, as he fears, his hair starts to fall out. Fortunately other treatments available could not only help David retain his hair in tip-top condition, but in such a way that no one ever notices it had started to fall out.

To find out more about dealing with a receding hairline early, contact us to arrange a free, no-obligation appointment with one of our hair loss experts today.

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The Belgravia Centre

The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.

View our Hair Loss Success Stories, which includes the world's largest gallery of hair growth photos and demonstrates the level of success that so many of Belgravia's patients achieve.