Causes of Female Hair Loss

Woman holding hair

There are three main types of trigger for female hair loss. These are genetic predisposition, external impacts on hair health or non-genetic internal factors such as a hormone imbalance. In each case, female hair loss is treatable for the vast majority of women.

Female pattern baldness is the most common cause of hair loss in women. This genetic condition, also known as androgenic alopecia, has the same underlying cause as male pattern baldness. Affected women produce a 5-alpha reductase enzyme which converts testosterone into the derivative dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT then attaches itself to the hair follicles, by this point they have already begun to shrink until they cease to grow altogether.

Female pattern baldness tends to result in a thinning of the hair across the head, with moderate hair loss around the crown and hairline. Treatment programmes usually include Minoxidil, the only hair loss treatment medically licensed for women by the MHRA in the UK with approval from their US counterpart the FDA. Regular treatment, along-side non-chemical  hair growth boosters like the LaserComb which is also cleared by the FDA, and Hair Vitalics healthy hair supplement, can help stabilise hair loss and encourage re-growth by aiding the scalp to receive the right levels of nutrients. It's essential that any treatment programme is followed up with attentive aftercare services and close monitoring.

External factors which can cause hair loss include sudden shock or stress, allergic reactions or excessive friction on the hair. Telogen Effluvium is a relatively common form of hair loss where a sudden trauma shocks the hair into prematurely entering its resting phase, which results in female hair loss. Hair loss is usually noticed around three months after the trauma and usually recovers on its own in time.

There are medical treatments available which can help encourage re-growth and help hair to stay strong and healthy as it returns. It is also important to address any underlying cause which may have triggered Telogen Effluvium.

Alopecia Areata is another form of female hair loss. It’s not known precisely what causes this, but stress, trauma and hormone imbalances are all thought to play a part. The exact trigger will vary from woman-to-woman and Alopecia Areata is very treatable in its early womenstages.

Excessive friction, caused by tight hairstyles, hair extensions or overheating the hair, can all cause Traction Alopecia. This is where continuous or high levels of tension, applied directly to the hair shaft, can damage the follicles, preventing hair from growing. It is a treatable condition, providing the tension has not permanently damaged follicles to the point where they no longer produce hair.

Finally, internal factors, such as hormone imbalances, can also cause a variety of female hair loss conditions, including Alopecia Areata and Diffuse Hair Loss, where hair gradually thins across the scalp.

These conditions can be triggered by any shift in hormonal balance, for example, during pregnancy, menopause or when starting or ending a course of the contraceptive pill. Nutrition can also play an important part in female hair loss, and current diet is one of the first aspects examined when treating these types of conditions.

If you are experiencing female hair loss, then arrange a free consultation or fill out an online diagnostic form at your leisure. Although there are many causes, most female hair loss is treatable if addressed early on in the cycle with thorough and personal care.

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The Belgravia Centre

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