Hair loss facts, news & opinions

Showing 783 results

Biofibre artificial hair implant system

Artificial Hair Implants for Pattern Hair Loss and Scarring Alopecia

A short paper published in the Dermatologic Therapy journal on 6th June 2019 outlines the outcome from using Biofibre® artificial hair implants on men and women with hair loss.This method, which has…

A short paper published in the Dermatologic Therapy journal on 6th June 2019 outlines the outcome from using Biofibre® artificial…

Normal Hair Growth Cycle versus Hair Growth in Alopecia Areata

Clinical Study to Analyse Inflammation in Cases of Alopecia Areata

University Hospital, Bordeaux, France is due to carry out an observational study investigating inflammation in cases of certain autoimmune disorders, including Alopecia Areata.The aim is to be able to…

University Hospital, Bordeaux, France is due to carry out an observational study investigating inflammation in cases of certain…

stress emotional stressed out brain thoughts feelings psychodermatology

Alopecia Areata May Increase Risk of Anxiety and Depression

Understandably, sudden hair loss can be extremely distressing, whether it's bald patches on the scalp or total baldness that develops from head to toe.This is what happens in the case of Alopecia…

Understandably, sudden hair loss can be extremely distressing, whether it's bald patches on the scalp or total baldness that…

box smoker smoking cigarette

Alopecia Areata Mortality Risk Study Yields Interesting Results

The results of a new Korean study investigating the mortality risks associated with Alopecia Areata patients has produced some interesting findings.Researchers examined data for 73,107 patients with…

The results of a new Korean study investigating the mortality risks associated with Alopecia Areata patients has produced some…

PRP platelet rich plasma injections

PRP Found to be Promising Alopecia Areata Treatment

Findings from a small scale study by researchers from the Faculty of Medicine at Zagazig University, Egypt, have added more weight to the theory that platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy may be a…

Findings from a small scale study by researchers from the Faculty of Medicine at Zagazig University, Egypt, have added more weight…

Pills Tablets Medication

Concert Starts New Oral CTP-543 Alopecia Areata Treatment Trial

Concert Pharmaceuticals has announced a second open label clinical trial into a form of its novel oral treatment for Alopecia Areata, CTP-543 is due to start soon.This will concentrate on a one-a-day…

Concert Pharmaceuticals has announced a second open label clinical trial into a form of its novel oral treatment for Alopecia…

stomach gut health

Effect of Social Stress on Gut Health May Trigger Alopecia Areata

It has long been established that stress is one of the key non-genetic influences on hair loss of various kinds.The autoimmune disorder Alopecia Areata, which causes rounded bald spots, or patchy…

It has long been established that stress is one of the key non-genetic influences on hair loss of various kinds.The autoimmune…

PRP Research Italy Feb 2017

Study Reveals Efficacy of PRP for Treating Alopecia Areata

Researchers are still trying to prove whether or not platelet rich plasma therapy (PRP) is an effective way to treat various forms of hair loss, either on its own or as an adjunct to clinically-proven…

Researchers are still trying to prove whether or not platelet rich plasma therapy (PRP) is an effective way to treat various forms…

unwell sick ill health

Hair Loss and Hair Texture Changes Following Illness or Surgery

Hair loss is not always genetic; there are many reasons unexpected hair fall may happen, one of which is due to illness. This subject has been in the news recently after Sarah Hyland, star of the…

Hair loss is not always genetic; there are many reasons unexpected hair fall may happen, one of which is due to illness. This…

Can Swimming Pools Cause Hair Loss

Should You Disclose Hair Loss When Buying Travel Insurance?'

Name: MicahQuestion: I need to buy travel insurance but I'm not sure if I have to disclose my hair loss on the list of existing health conditions, can you help?Answer: Hi, Micah. This is really a…

Name: MicahQuestion: I need to buy travel insurance but I'm not sure if I have to disclose my hair loss on the list of existing…

Is There a Pill to Stop Hair Loss in Women

Gabapentin Therapy Trialled as Scarring Alopecia Treatment

A clinical trial being carried out by researchers at the University of Minnesota Clinical and Translational Science Institute, USA, which started in January 2016, has now confirmed a completion date…

A clinical trial being carried out by researchers at the University of Minnesota Clinical and Translational Science Institute,…

Hair Growth Cycle Hair Loss

Inflammatory Mediator HMGB1 Found to Promote Hair Growth

Given the many, complex genetics and external factors involved in hair loss, researchers are always on the look out for new ways to approach the problem.By identifying new targets, innovative…

Given the many, complex genetics and external factors involved in hair loss, researchers are always on the look out for new ways…

Cyclosporin cyclosporine ciclosporin

Cyclosporin Alopecia Areata Trial Produces Insignificant Results

A small-scale clinical trial investigating the potential use of cyclosporin as a treatment for moderate to severe forms of Alopecia Areata has produced fairly disappointing results.The…

A small-scale clinical trial investigating the potential use of cyclosporin as a treatment for moderate to severe forms of…

Injection Needle Syringe

Abatacept Alopecia Areata Injection Trial Results

The findings from a small scale clinical trial into whether injections of abatacept may effectively treat moderate to severe Alopecia Areata have now been published.Although the trial was initially…

The findings from a small scale clinical trial into whether injections of abatacept may effectively treat moderate to severe…

Sad worry worried stressed

Parents of Children with Alopecia May Have Lower Quality of Life

A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology has found that it's not just children with Alopecia Areata who are emotionally affected by the condition; their parents or…

A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology has found that it's not just children with Alopecia Areata…