Can You Treat Hair Loss After Chemotherapy?



Sometimes hair grows back thinner and of a different texture after chemotherapyQuestion: I had chemotherapy for breast cancer and as a result I lost all my hair. Now, 18 months later, my hair has grown back but very, very thin I can see my scalp through my hair. My hair was thick and long before, so I don’t believe it is a genetic problem, and I am only 37-years-old.

I have used various products such as Nism and Nioxin and had a bit of laser (and that helped marginally) but my hair just doesn’t seem to get any thicker. It does grow longer but I keep it very short. Have you treated any one whose hair has not returned after chemotherapy (I had 6 months of chemo - one cycle)?

Many thanks,

Answer: Hair loss is a very common side effect of chemotherapy, whether it happens during or after treatment, but it doesn’t make it any easier to deal with, particularly if the condition of your hair is permanently affected.

In most cases, once the treatment is finished, the hair grows back to the same condition it used to be. However, there are instances where the hair grows back thinner and sometimes the texture is different.

Your condition sounds like it could be diffuse thinning - a condition whereby the hair becomes less evenly spread over the whole scalp as a result of a range of medical issues. A genetic condition usually manifests as thinning hair on the top area and a wider centre-part, but you do not seem to think that your condition is of a genetic cause.

At the Belgravia Centre we treat hair loss regardless of whether it is due to genetic reasons or previous chemotherapy treatment and we have a growing number of success stories.

If you’d like to book a consultation so we can examine your scalp and discuss your situation, please call on 020 7730 6666 or send an email. An online diagnostic form is also available if you are unable to visit the centre. The information that you provide will enable us to diagnose the condition and then recommend a suitable treatment. A photo of your hair loss will also help to confirm your diagnosis.

More Information:
Women’s Hair Loss
Hair Loss Treatments for Women
Medical Reasons for Hair Loss
Jade Goody's Hair Loss Nightmare

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The Belgravia Centre

The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.

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