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Question: Can anyone suggest me a solution for this disease, pseudopelade? i am struggling from this for the last 8 years
Answer: Hi Lijo. At present there is no truly effective hair loss treatment for pseudopelade.
This rare hair loss condition is a kind of scarring alopecia which attacks the hair follicles, often destroying them. Once the follicles atrophy, current treatments will not work as they generally work by stimulating the hair follicle back into resuming normal hair growth. Obviously, once it has atrophied this is no longer possible.
Despite a hair transplant being a possible solution in some cases of scarring or cicatricial alopecia, unfortunately we do not recommend this course of action for pseudopelade.
There are currently trials underway into developing treatments for scarring alopecia but, even if these do pass the rigorous testing process, they may not be available for a few years yet. Sorry not to have better news for you but do keep an eye on our blog for updates on potential treatments as we will report on these as details become available.
The Belgravia Centre is a world-renowned group of a hair loss clinic in Central London, UK. If you are worried about hair loss you can arrange a free consultation with a hair loss expert or complete our Online Consultation from anywhere in the world for home-use treatment.
View our Hair Loss Success Stories, which includes the world's largest gallery of hair growth photos and demonstrates the level of success that so many of Belgravia's patients achieve.