Can Minoxidil Help for Alopecia Areata?'

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Question: My sister has been diagnosed with Alopecia Areata, her hair has been falling out for a few months now and the patches are appearing all over her head at regular intervals, the two most recent right at the front of her hair which is making it now increasingly difficult for her to hide, yesterday she wore a cap to work for the first time.

Minoxidil DropperUnderstandably, she is in pieces since the diagnosis, and i feel totally helpless as I can’t help her. She has been to see a homeopathic doctor and is currently taking tablets that he prescribed for her along with some form of medication in powder form. The course of tablets are coming to an end, and she has not seen any improvement, the hair is still falling out. I don’t know what the tablets are, and neither does she.

Can you tell me a bit more about Minoxidil? Could this be in the tablets she is taking? She has been told of Steroid injections but is understandably dubious. Please help!

Answer: Alopecia areata can be a very shocking condition as its onset can be very rapid. Depending on the severity of the condition it is however treatable.

The tablets your sister is taking are not minoxidil as minoxidil is not available in tablet form for hair loss and it's not  homeopathic. There are no homeopathic options that I am aware of that have shown evidence  of reversing Alopecia Areata.

At Belgravia we have found high strength minoxidil to be effective in many cases for mild Alopecia or Alopecia in its early stages. Minoxidil is clinically-proven to regrow hair in cases of genetic hairloss, however, many specialists believe it can also be effective for other hair loss conditions.

Steroids are another option but are fairly invasive and can cause pain - something which is not the case with minoxidil. There are many photographic examples of people before and after starting their Belgravia treatment for Alopecia Areata in our Success Stories gallery.

It would be advisable for your sister to arrange a consultation (which is free) to speak to one of our hair specialists so that we can carry out an examination to determine the most suitable course of action and discuss the likely results. In order to arrange a consultation please call 020 7730 6666 or message the centre.

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The Belgravia Centre

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