New research from Mintel has found that almost a quarter of men in the UK would be open to cosmetic surgery but only 7 per cent would opt for a
hair transplant.
This is possibly due to the availability of clinically proven, non-surgical
hair loss treatments.
The poll was carried out among 1,947 British internet users aged 18 years and over.
Image-conscious men
The younger the male respondent, the more likely he was to consider surgical procedures: 39 per cent of men aged between 18 and 34 years were interested.
This data demonstrates that young men are becoming more aware of their image. In turn, many are compelled to turn to cosmetic surgery.
The poll also revealed how people felt about non-surgical procedures - such as teeth whitening - with over 43 per cent of those surveyed showing an interest in them. Nearly half of all participants agreed that social media has made getting this type of cosmetic work more commonplace.
Explaining this, Jack Duckett, Senior Consumer Lifestyles Analyst at Mintel, said, "
People’s increasing candour online about their experiences of non-surgical procedures have helped to erode many of the taboos which still surround ‘having work done’, even normalising certain treatments".
Wayne Rooney is one of the celebrities known to have contributed to this newfound openness regarding surgical intervention, particularly among young men, after going public about his experiences with
Male Pattern Baldness.
However, the fact that only 7 per cent of men would consider these procedures may suggest that men are becoming more aware of non-invasive hair loss treatment alternatives. It may also be the case that men are becoming increasingly savvy with regards their options, as hair restoration surgeries are generally not recommended for those under 30 years of age, despite high-profile exceptions to this rule such as Rooney.
Selfie culture
While genetic hairloss will affect around
three-quarters of men in their life, it is still often incorrectly depicted as a symptom of old age, with
increased rates of Male Pattern Baldness becoming more prevalent in the late teens to twenties group.
These statistics correspond with the emergence of
'selfie culture' - photos that are shared over social media can often reveal hard to spot signs of hair loss. Even teenage boys are beginning to seek hair transplants more often
. A 16-year-old who had one scheduled explained the impact of social media upon his self-esteem:
"I don’t put pictures on Facebook anymore there were jokes about the way my head looks".
In such an image-conscious world, hair loss can be a tricky topic to navigate, but, as indicated by the findings, men may be coming around to the possibilities offered by non-surgical
hair loss treatments. Two have already been clinically proven to promote regrowth, stabilise shedding and help to
prevent baldness.
Belgravia offers well-rounded treatment packages inclusive of clinically proven medicines, various
hair growth boosters, hair and scalp products and clinical therapies.
Furthermore, while social media can often make some men extremely aware of their thinning hair, a consultation with a Belgravia specialist, either in person or online, can be an important first step in relieving some of the stress associated with the hair loss process.