Jonny Harris

HairlossANSWERS blog header reader questions Belgravia Centre

Nioxin - Which of Their Systems is Best?

Name: Kenny Question: I damaged my hair from bleaching it too much, so decided to cut it very short. But it doesn't seem to be growing back properly, I think I am going bald. I want to try Nioxin…

Name: Kenny Question: I damaged my hair from bleaching it too much, so decided to cut it very short. But it doesn't seem to be…

bad perm

Question: Did my perm cause my hair loss?

Name: Sheila Question: my hair is always on my clothes and it comes out with combing. I recently had a perm, is there any connection? Answer: The simple answer is no. Perms can damage the outside of…

Name: Sheila Question: my hair is always on my clothes and it comes out with combing. I recently had a perm, is there any…

Hair Loss Treatment for Men and Hair Growth Boosters Belgravia Centre

What are 'Hair Growth Boosters'?

On Belgravia's website and in our literature we often talk about 'hair growth boosters', but what exactly are hair growth boosters?These are an integral part of Belgravia's effective treatment…

On Belgravia's website and in our literature we often talk about 'hair growth boosters', but what exactly are hair growth…

Question: How do hair loss treatments and hair restoration surgery compare?

Name: Geoff Question: I see your treatments are chemical based but there are hair implants available so how do the two methods of hair restoration compare? And do you provide implants? Answer: Hair…

Name: Geoff Question: I see your treatments are chemical based but there are hair implants available so how do the two methods…

girl flicking hair

Hair Loss in Women

Hair loss can be a traumatic experience for women, but the good news is that in many cases thinning hair or hair loss is temporary. Temporary conditions of hair loss predominantly affect women and…

Hair loss can be a traumatic experience for women, but the good news is that in many cases thinning hair or hair loss is…

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Minoxidil - Best in The World for Hair Loss

To order minoxidil you can complete and instantly submit Belgravia's ONLINE DIAGNOSTIC FORM or arrange a FREE HAIR LOSS CONSULTATION. Minoxidil is the most effective topical solution for hair loss.…

To order minoxidil you can complete and instantly submit Belgravia's ONLINE DIAGNOSTIC FORM or arrange a FREE HAIR LOSS…

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Introducing... Christina

Christina is Belgravia's Superintendent Pharmacist and a member of The Royal Pharmaceutical Society. She is responsible for Belgravia's trichological pharmacy, which is the only pharmacy of its kind…

Christina is Belgravia's Superintendent Pharmacist and a member of The Royal Pharmaceutical Society. She is responsible for…

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Viviscal - Information About Viviscal Hair Supplement

MHRA Medical License | FDA Approval | Food Supplement Viviscal is a natural food supplement intended to nourish hair follicles and promotes the growth of existing hair where it has slowed down or…

MHRA Medical License | FDA Approval | Food Supplement Viviscal is a natural food supplement intended to nourish hair…

Belgravia Centre Hair Loss Clinic LaserComb

Hair Loss Video Diary 6 Month Compilation

We recorded video diaries for the first 6 months' of a patient's hair loss treatment programme. Like many of our patients, Diya has experienced amazing results. Here we have compiled the best of…

We recorded video diaries for the first 6 months' of a patient's hair loss treatment programme. Like many of our patients, Diya…


Introducing... Leonora

Leonora is a qualified Belgravia trichologist and is responsible for carrying out trichological examinations (Tricho-Checks), diagnosing patients' conditions, recommending appropriate treatments,…

Leonora is a qualified Belgravia trichologist and is responsible for carrying out trichological examinations (Tricho-Checks),…

New Video Hair Growth Comparison

Last week I posted Diya's newest hair loss video diary, and a comparison of his hair at day one of treatment and day 179. As I pointed out in the post, even though his hair was noticeably thicker on…

Last week I posted Diya's newest hair loss video diary, and a comparison of his hair at day one of treatment and day 179. As I…

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Nourkrin - Details of Nourkrin Hair Supplement

MHRA Medical License | FDA Approval | Food Supplement Nourkrin is a supplement advertised for the prevention of hair loss. Nourkrin's main ingredient (as stated on their website) is…

MHRA Medical License | FDA Approval | Food Supplement Nourkrin is a supplement advertised for the prevention of hair loss.…